Chapter 51 of Romantic Convergence

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Study Period.

The class wanted to know everything about me and the reason for mebeing admitted to the hospital. They all asked a lot questions in which i told them everything.

"I'm so sorry, Kiara. You really went through a lot and i can't imagine the pain you're going through. Please accept my condolence." Treasure said.

"Well i do understand yours, baby girl, i lost both of my parents and now I've been living with my granny but accept my sympathy." Folashade continued.

"Wow, i never knew! It must've been very hard too, at least we have each other." i replied.

"Yes, Kiara. As far as we are here or not and even in the future. We are all family and we all love you."Asher said.

"I love you all too! I'm happy to be in this family!" i said.

"Kiara, is it true you and Chidera have broken up?" Temi asked.

"Uh oh!" Carmella, Vic and Ibifuro said simultaneously.

"Yeah and how did you know? I haven't even told anyone apart from Carmella,Vic and Ibifuro." I said.

"Well, he and Neike have been parading the whole school and claims that they're official." Temi said.

The whole class began to murmur in agreement.

"But i eavesdropped on their conversation  during football practice. They were talking about how you and Mr Bryan are now couples and they both went to the hospital you were admitted to and the next day, they became a couple so we're confused."Asher spoke out.

"When was that day it happened?" I asked.

"Last Monday." Asher replied

Last Monday, i thought and realised it was the same day Carmella, Vic and Ibifuro came.

"Wasn't that the day you guys came?" I asked Vic.

"Yeah, it is, Kiara. And we saw them and I'm sorry we didn't tell you." Vic said apologetically.

"The real truth was that Neike was poisoning Chidera's mind and they came the moment Mr Bryan proposed to you and kissed you. So Chidera and Neike wanted to make a scene but we chased them away. We didnt tell you because we saw how happy you were after for so long and didn't want to ruin the moment for you." Carmella said.

"Forgive us, Kiara, we're sorry!" Ibifuro said.

"I'm not angry at all because i wanted to break up with him even before Mr Bryan proposed. He never cared for me always making stupid excuses anyways. I forgive you guys!" I said.

They thanked me and we hugged.

"Ooh! So you and Mr Bryan are now a thing?!" Gbemi said.

"Oh yes! And he proposed with a ring!" i said as i showed them.

"Aww, you guys are so in love!" Ini said.

"I know right! Do you know he had been with me at the hospital since day one?" i said.

"Oh my God! he's so adorable!" they girls screamed.

Suddenly the class became quiet and i turned to see Chidera and Neike with her entourage as she crossed hands with Chidera and they came in to the classroom.

"Well, well, well, if it isnt the loser, bitchiara!" Neike said.

"Hello, Douche bag!" I said as i gave her a wave and smile.

"Too bad, i have to be seeing you around again." she said as she kissed Chidera.

"Oh sorry, i didnt know you are here, haven't you heard Chodera and i are dating now?" Neike said as she intends to make me feel jealous.

"Oh poor puppy, she must have been hurt!" Jasmine said as she mimiced a child crying.

"Too bad, you took my trash that i left for you to eat! So you kissing him, you're having a taste of my saliva." i said as the class roared in laughter.

"You bit-" Neike said as she came running to me.

I quickly grabbed her wrists, carried her and slammed her to the ground, causing Neike to writhe in pain. Chidera saw what i did and came towards me as he raised his hand to slap me, i gave him an uppercut as he flew away, bleeding through his nose. Jasmine and Alisha decided bot to do to anything as fear got a grip of them.

"Bunch of useless fools! Moron couples! Ha!" i said as i spat on the floor and left.

Each of the students laughed at them as they left.

"Kiara! you're gonna pay for this!" Neike said.

"Yes she must pay! Especially Bryan!" Chidera said as he stood up and went to lift Neike up to her feet.

"Neike, are you alright?" Both Alisha and Jasmine asked.

"You useless, minions! You didn't even fight her at all!" Neike shouted.

"We're sorry! We didnt because Kiara is just too strong for us!" Alisha said.

"Shut up! We need a plan to get rid of her and Bryan immediately! She needs to pay seriously, she doesn't have to just come into my life and just dumo like trash!" Chidera said.

"We need a plan." Neike said.

"And I've got just the thing." Chidera said.

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