Chapter 50 of Romantic Convergence

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The bird was chirping and the dogs barking. I feel everything that happened was a dream. I woke up and saw Bryan lying next to me, still asleep. It must be a dream!

I got up and went ahead to prepare breakfast for him. Pancakes and strawberries. I made them with so much love. As I cooked, the memories of last night's romance was intense, our heavy breathing, my soft moaning, the wet kissing and to top it all, his soft touch. He knows my G-spot well.

Lost in my reverie, I felt a gentle hug at my back, as I looked below to see hands, Bryan's. He kissed my neck.

"Good morning, Princess."

"Good morning, baby. I trust you slept well?"

"I slept better, it was the best night that I've ever had!"


"Pancakes, huh? I've never had those since my sister left. Good thing youre here to make me some"Bryan said as he gave me a kiss.

"I hope you'll  enjoy it!"

After breakfast, we tidied up the house, make the bed. After doing the chores, we decided to watch movies, play video games, I've never felt so much joy even when I was with Chidera. Time went by so fast it was already my last day at his place, I wished for it to be longer. We settled at the living room,  I was laid on his naked body, naked too and his body camouflage mine. We began to play with each other's hands.

"My heart." Bryan decided to break the silence.

"Yes, baby."

"These three days has the best days of my life! Now I have you finally and my heart is still not settled, darling. It's because I've not achieved my goals yet. I have made you to be my lover  but I want you to be my wife, the mother to my unborn children,  my loyal partner and my everything and I beg of you, please never let go of me!"

"I promise you, I'll stay with you forever and be the mother to your children. I love you so much baby!  I can't bare to lose to anyone. "

"And you won't lose me! I love you so much, my treasure!" Bryan said as we locked the promise with a kiss.

The alarm rings at about 6am. I was still feeling sleepy and i just had a quick reminder, it was monday. I quickly woke Bryan up to have a bath. We both bath together in the bath tub with addition of playful kisses and giggles, brushed our teeth and we got ready for school and i remembered that i dont have my uniform with me.

"Oh dang it!" i said.

"what's wrong, babe?"

"i dont have my uniform with me!"

"Its that why you're upset? I told you my sister was once a student, i still have her uniform with me." Bryan said as he went to his dresser and brought out a uniform thats exactly my size.

"Wow! Your sister is really just like me! I dont need to try this on to know it fits me perfectly! you're a lifesaver baby!" I said as i kissed him.

"You're welcome sweetheart!"

We had our our breakfast and we set off to school in Bryan's car. Sadly, it's my last day in his house and i feel like im leaving him all alone. I frowned while i thought to myself.

"What's wrong babe? You dont look bright today?"

"I dont want to go back to the house, i like being with you, i'm happy with you, baby!"

"Ara my love, you can come to my house anytime but your mom hasnt seen you since you were discharged and you need to bond with your mom, you know, after what happened last time?"

"You're right, you're so wise my love."

"Thank you so much, my love! Now give me a kiss" Bryan said as we locked a kiss.

"Now let's go to school!"

As we arrived to school, the whole school gathered to give me a warm welcome back. The school cheered for me and chanting my name as the proprietor came to welcome me.

"Kiara, my daughter, i miss you my girl! The school misses you and i hope to resume your position here in Noble high." The proprietor said.

"I miss you all too and i hope to restore the school to its former glory." I replied.

I did the honours of leading the morning assembly and many were glad i came back except for some people, The TFT.

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