Chapter 40 of Romantic Convergence

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School cafeteria.

"Uhm hello guys?! Wheres Kiara?" Mr Bryan asked.

"Uhm well you see Mr Bryan sir, Kiara is hospitalized." Vic explained.

"Hospitalized?! Jesus! Why?! Is she hurt? Did she get an accident?! Oh my God!" Mr Bryan said as he began to panick.

"I get it why you're panicking Mr Bryan but we're also worried as well as you are but please be calm." Veronica said as she assured Mr Bryan.

"Give me all the the details, I mean all of it!" Mr Bryan said.

Few minutes later...

"And then when she was trying to fight off the doctor she slipped and fell down and went unconscious." Vic told Mr Bryan.

"We don't know if she's woken up yet and she hasn't eaten for a week now and we promised her mom to so that she could eat." Ibifuro said.

"I wanna go too and give her some chicken soup and porridge for her recovery, well according to some Asian cultures, they offered chicken soup and porridge to someone who's sick. My mom is an international chef so she will have one made just for Kiara!" Carmella said.

"That's wonderful guys! I wanna see her too! I can't believe all this happened while I'm gone this is why I always stick to her. By the way where's her so-called boyfriend Chidera? Has he visited her?" Mr Bryan said.

"Now that you mentioned it, he hasn't or even asked about Kiara, that guy's just weird!" Vic said.

"Boyfriend indeed! I won't bother myself again asking him to visit her. I mean he's supposed to do that he's not meant to be told!" Ibifuro said as she began to feel irritated.

"After school, we're going to the hospital,team!" Mr Bryan said.

"Alright!" They shouted in unison.

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