Chapter 47 Of Romantic Convergence

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"Damn Neike, you're so evil!" Alisha said as the trio approached to their private lounge.

"I know, I know right... It has always how I've been and I like it!" Neike said

"It reminds me so much about that night" Jasmine said.

"The night of fun for that poor girl." Alisha said.

"And I enjoyed every bit of pain that she felt."Neike said as she laughed evily.

On the way to the hospital.

"You should have allowed me to scathe that bitch!" Carmella said while she sulked.

"I understand your urge and anger but being violent makes you be like her,so just stay cool girl! Kiara won't want it either,just let it go." Ibifuro said.

"She's right,Carmie, she's not worth of your time or any of your words because all will fall on deaf ears. Now let's concentrate on Kiara and for her to wake up,we need her to wake up." Vic said.

"You're right guys, I just got carried away with how she insults Kiara even made a mockery of her tragic situation. Honestly, guys, Kiara is more than just my best friend, she's someone more precious than a sister. I hope in our next life, she becomes my sister because that fool is one in a million!" Carmella said as she laughed with tears in her eyes.

"She's our fool and our fool forever!" Vic said.

"Friendship goals!" Ibifuro said.

"Ah! My beautiful children!"Mrs Raphaels exclaimed.

The trio greeted her in unison as they hugged her.

"I see! You've come to see Kiara,i presumed?" Mrs Raphaels asked.

"Yes mom, we're seriously desperate to see her!" Carmella said.

"I'm sorry, my sweethearts but she's still asleep and may wake at any moment from now but please can you wait till she's awake I really need her to sleep." Mrs Raphaels said.

"That's not a problem, I don't see why we can't!" Vic said.

"Now come and join me to the cafeteria, let's eat!" Mrs Raphaels said.

"Yum! Yum! I'm starved!" Ibifuro said.

"Why won't you? Pig!" Vic said.

" If not because of the respect I have for Mrs Raphaels I will just pounce on you!" Ibifuro threatened.

"Guys please stop!" Carmella said.

"Now, now, sweethearts, please be quiet this is a hospital... But you guys are so adorable when fighting. You guys will make good parents in the future." Mrs Raphaels said.

"Eww, gross!" Vic and Ibifuro said in disgust as they all went to the cafeteria.

Back in school. Football field.

Chidera sat on the football bench and began to reminisce the night he saw Kiara and Bryan together.

"Never you insult Bryan ever again!" those words echoed to his mind and sting of her slap still hurts his face like a venom.

"Well, well, well who do we have have here?" A voice spoke as Chimera turned to see who it was.

"If it isn't Chidera The Great! Sitting on the bench thinking of his poor and helpless lover!" Neike said.

"Please I'm not in the mood right now and don't you dare insult my girlfriend!" Chidera shouted.

"Oh sorry! My bad! I heard she's not your girlfriend anymore, but Bryan's!" Neike said to his ears.

Chidera lost control and hold her by her collar.

"What do you mean by his girlfriend?!" Chidera asked.

"Oh! You haven't heard?? Everyone's talking about it. How a useless boyfriend like you won't even take care of his girlfriend like how Bryan did. Bryan had been with Kiara since the day she got sick and a moron like you won't even pay a visit." Neike continued.


"I even heard they've even kissed too, so passionately!"

"You're lying!"

"Oh, you don't believe me? Let's go there shall we?"

"What if you're wrong?"

"Call me a motherfucking bastard" Neike said.

"Let's go then" Chidera said.


"Kiara!" Bryan called.

"Bryan! Is that you Bryan?" I asked.

"Yes it's me! Oh my God! I can't believe you're awake! I'm gonna call your mom now!"

"Bryan please don't!"

"Why? She's been waiting for you to wake up."

"I just need sometime with you alone, please."

"Okay, my love, let me sit you up."

Bryan sits Kiara up.

"Bryan ,you look so terrible! What have you been doing!"

"I was up all night, staying by your bedside, waiting for you to open up those your diamond eyes to sparkle at me and to see your beautiful smile lighting up the room."

"You stayed up all night? Worrying about me?"

"Yes, I've told you, you're the one my heart aches for and seeing you like this hurts me so deep!" Bryan said as he gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm sorry for taking time to wake up! I'm so sorry!" I said as I hugged him so tight.

"You don't have to be sorry for anything! I should be the one who's sorry."

"Why do you say so?"

"I'm sorry for taking time to realize how much you really mean to me. At first, I thought it was because I saw my sister's spirit in you but now Ive come to understand, my sister sent you to me, to cherish you like I've cherished her. To become the joy that I've lost!"

"Oh Bryan, you give me so much comfort and happiness!"

"I know this is a wrong time to say this." Bryan asked as he reached out his pocket and brough out a red box.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Will you be my girlfriend? Kiara Raphaels?" Bryan said as he opened up the box and a ring was shown.

I was left in complete awe.

"I don't know what to say,Bryan"

"Please say yes! If you don't u won't be happy, Cause you're my happiness Ara!"

"But I'm still with Chidera, I can't do this!" I said.

"What has he done since he heard you're sick? Has he come to visit you? Anytime your friends asked him to visit he always makes excuses that he has a game to play! He never makes you a priority!"

"I guess you're right."

"so what do you say? Me or Chidera?"

There was totally silence in the whole room.

"Definitely you. And yes, I'll be your girlfriend!"

"Yes! You've made me so happy Kiara! I love you."

"I love you too!" I said as we kissed.

Meanwhile, Neike and Chidera saw all this through the window.

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