Chapter 42 of Romantic Convergence

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"Kiara! Kiara!! Kiara!!! Where are you?! Kiara!" Mr Bryan called.

"Damn! I've never felt so lost before. Hearing everything about Kiara makes me feel weak!" Mr Bryan said.

"Kiara...Where are you?!" Mr Bryan said to himself as tears came rolling to his eyes.

He began to imagine all the times he he had been with Kiara. Right from when he met her to the current situation.

An idea struck his mind! The park! That's where she is!

Somewhere around Ebute road.

I was strutting on the road with blood arm as people dread at my horrifying appearance thinking I was a witch but all my mind was focused on how my life was being broken into pieces.

"Oh my God, babe look at that girl!" A female stranger saw me in disgusts.

"Let's just go baby, she may be an evil child!" Her lover said as they both ran away.

"Evil...child." I said in my thoughts, the man is right I am an evil child.

I walked through the garden and went to the bank of the pond.

"Aww, such a lovely reflection of the moonlight, so peaceful" I said.

I remembered a song Papa always sang for me as a lullaby when I was a kid.

    "Moonlight oh moonlight!
       Why are you so bright this night!
       Hear the cries of this little child
       Please make her to be mild
       Moonlight oh moonlight!
        Please shine on her
      And bring out her brightest smile!"

Basketball court.

"Yo C! Isn't that Kiara over there?" Asher said who spotted Kiara from the distance as Chidera looked towards the direction of where he was pointing.

"Yes it's her!" Chidera said.

"Well why don't you go and meet her? I heard she's been sick, this is a great opportunity to meet her." Asher said.

"Ok man! Be right back!" Chidera said.

At the entrance of the park, Mr Bryan was hoping for Kiara to be there.

"I hope she's here! Hope! No! She's definitely here!" Mr Bryan said with assurance as he began to look for Kiara at the park.

"Kiara! Kiara!!" He said and paused at a spot and saw a silhouette that resembles Kiara as he strained his eyes to identify the figure.

"Its Kiara!" He said.

"I wish I can get a hug right now! I wish Mr Bryan has come back but Chidera isn't here!" I said loudly.

"Kiara!" A voice called.

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