Chapter 43 of Romantic Convergence

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"I hope someone had caught up to Kiara, it's already dark and night has fallen! I better call up the others to know if they've seen her." Vic said as he dialled Ibifuro's number.

"Hello?" Ibifuro said over the phone.

"Hello IB? Have you seen Kiara yet?"

"No I haven't,how about you?"

"If I have, will I be asking?"

"Sorry o I forgot, maybe we should go and meet Carmella!"

"Where's she?"

"She's at the school garden!"

"That's so far I'll call her up, I'm really starved! I need  to eat,maybe we should all meet up at The Place and get something to eat!"

"Now that you've mentioned it I'm starved too! I'll meet you there!"

"Okay, IB,see ya there!"

He hanged up the phone and called Carmella to meet up with them.

The Place.

The trio sat in exhaustion as they ordered for their meals.

"Oh geez! I can't feel my legs anymore! I can't search any further!" Ibifuro said.

"Me too! My legs are gonna hurt all week! My throat's kinda dry!" Vic said.

"I just wish Mr Bryan has found her! I'm getting more worried it's nightfall already!" Carmella said.

"I hope so"Ibifuro said.

"Let me call Mr Bryan!" Vic said as he dialled Mr Bryan's number but he's not picking up.

"Its ringing but he's not picking!" Vic said.

"Try again!" Carmella said.

Vic dialled his number over and over again but Mr Bryan is not picking up the phone.

"Well?" Ibifuro said.

"Still nothing." Vic said.

"Damn!" Carmella said as she banged the table.

"Calm down Carmella! I hope Mr Bryan has found her. I'm sure of it!" Ibifuro said.

"Then why isn't he picking up?!" Carmella shouted in anger.

"We just have to wait and try again. As of now let's just eat, so we won't get worn out." Vic said assuring Carmella.

"Okay! If you say so Vic!" Carmella said as the waitress brought in their order.

"Oh goodie! Food's here! I'm starved!" Ibifuro said as she licked her lips.

"Glutton!" Vic said as he stared at Ibifuro in disgusts.

"My love for food has a unique relationship!" Ibifuro said as she munches down huge chunks of food.

"Well she's right Vic! Girls and food has a unique relationship!"Carmella said as she ate her food hungrily.

"Girls! I can't understand you guys!" Vic said.

"Kiara! I hope you're okay out there! Mr Bryan! I'm counting on you!" Vic said in his thoughts as he eats his food.

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