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Mayana's Pov

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Mayana's Pov

Wednesday Jan. 15
9:12 am

FUCK", I hiss as I untangle my hand from Brandon's hair and he finally sits up from between my legs.

He slips his glasses back on and smiles.

He came to pick me up for school and one thing just led to another.

I've been finding myself in situations like this with him more frequently lately.

"Well I'm gonna go re-shower real quick", I roll out of bed, slip on my boy shorts, and head to my personal bathroom.

"Why can't we just stay here today?" He asks, I can hear him turn on my tv.

"Because I'm on the truancy list and you have a test today", I respond through the door before cutting on the shower.

The boys have been at Jamesgrove for a week and a half, it hasn't exactly been smooth sailing but it's not as bad as we thought it would be.

I can tell Nick is getting more comfortable, Brandon not so much.

He doesn't talk at the lunch table, follows me around like a lost puppy, and tries his best to find excuses not to go to school.

I mean, shit, we've been late 3 days in a row.

Slowly he's adapting, he's been talking about this girl he tutors in free period.

It's small, but something. I've been trying not to let the fact that it's a girl bother me.

Then again I really like Brandon, and I'll admit I'm jealous.

"I'm gonna go warm up the car", he shouts and I hear my bedroom door close.

Brandon's Pov

Wednesday Jan. 15
10:07 am

WARM UP the car my ass", Myana mumbles shoveling a crumbled hash brown into her mouth.

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