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Brandon's Pov

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Brandon's Pov

Nov. 11
1:57 pm

ʙʀᴀɴᴅᴏɴ'ꜱ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ

I LOOKED over the beat layed out on my screen. I added a loop and took one side of my headphones off.

"Yo b"

My eyes trail down to my screen where Myana was close up in the camera.

"Yea?", I smiled.

"P-pop a titty one time", YaYa cackled barely getting the sentence out.

"No screenshots", I mock.

I poked out my lips in the duck lip and lifted one side of my shirt showing a nipple.

Causing Myana to completely loose it accidentally knocking her phone off her night stand. I cant help but chuckle too, her laugh contagious.

"Whose Poppin titties?", I heard another female voice call out before Myanas forehead popped in the screen and the call abruptly ended.

Did the call fail? Should I call back?

A text from Liz pops up on my notification bar.


Liz🙄: banquet @ 5. Dress nice plz.

I sigh and lock my screen, continuing to work on my beat.


Myana's Pov

Nov. 11
2:02 pm

ʏᴀɴᴀ'ꜱ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ

I QUICKLY ended the call as Secret and Alexis entered my room.

"There's a thing called knocking", I rolled my eyes turning up the TV.

Instantly missing Brandon's company, I guess I was scared of my friends judgement. It's dumb I know.

"No, no TV. We're not doing this-", Alexis grabs the remote and presses the power button.

I groan sinking further into the stuffed animals on my bed. They don't know the full story on how me and Antonio broke up. But they have been assuming that I'm broken hearted.

When I can honestly care less, he didn't value my company, time, or effort. How could I possibly sit broken hearted over someone like that.

Plus Brandon was helping me forget all that bullshit, even if it was on a friend level.

"I'm fine Lexi trust me. If I wasn't y'all would be the first to know"

"Well I-", Alexis starts but cuts herself short as the front door slams.

"You are so fucking dumb!"

"Nawl fuck that they seen I was finna buy them shoes!"

"The fuck happened to y'all?", Secret asks as we frantically enter the kitchen where Chris, Zion, Edwin stand.

They lucky my mama at work slamming that door like that.

"These niggas just tried to gang us", Zion pulls his dreads into a ponytail. I notice the black ring around his eye. I cringe looking at the three boys.

Zion with the black eye and a couple bruises on his jaw, Edwin only with a busted lip, and Chris bleeding from his cheek bone. As a unit they don't look too good.

"Correction: they was tryna gang you & me and Edwin helped yo sorry ass",Chris cuts in.

Zion sucks his teeth as Secret sets a pack of frozen peas on his eye. He mumbles a 'thank you' pulling her into a subtle hug.

"You can atleast say thank you. We just got banned from the mall for yo ass", Edwin fumes.

"And they snatched Ed's chain", Chris adds making us bust out laughing. What made it even more funny was how serious the boys faces were.

"That plastic ass chain, he can just make another one!", Zion retorts.

"That's not the fucking point- Juro que me van a hacer ir melly", Edwin mumbled the last part. Alexis began laughing harder being the only one who understood what he said.

(I used Google translate plz don't drag me)

"I heard melly", Chris frowns.

"Oh hell nawl, let me get away from his crazy ass", Zion walks out of the kitchen.

I have the whole plot written out for this book but idk how it's gonna pan out 🤷🏾‍♀️

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