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Omnicent Pov

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Omnicent Pov

Nov. 6
4:36 pm

ʜᴇ ʙᴀɴᴅᴏ

MYANA WAS going to apologise. Something she didn't do much of. Most of everything she did or said she stuck by, right or wrong. But this was a 4 year relationship on the line. A boy she loved. She couldn't let that slip away over petty arguments.

He made a point, she shouldn't be trying to change him.

Antonio wasn't at school, typical, but the more Myana overthought the situation. She figured he was still pissed about the argument.

She made a point to walk to the American Wings after getting off the bus, she then walked up to the bando. She knew for a fact he was here, even if he wasn't picking up her calls.

YaYa raised a hand and knocked on the screen door, her rings clinking with the cold metal.

In seconds Kahil was peeking through the crack of the door before swinging it completely open.

"YaYa", he pulls her into a warm hug, compared to the still fall air. He leads her into the lively house, music played as Jabari and Santino sat passing a blunt back and forth.

"Is Ant here?", Myana questioned stripping of her thick coat.

"I think so, I just got here", Kahil admits. He tries to look through her bag of food and she pops his hand.

"Myana-", Jabari starts, standing.

"One sec Bari, I gotta go talk to him"

"YaYa hollup", Santino jumps in.

They knew what was going on downstairs and knew it would break her heart. They wanted her to know, just not like this.

"Save that thought y'all", she smiles grabbing the bag and heading downstairs. The boys linger behind, two guilty. One, confused.

As her foot lands on the last step she runs a hand through her bundles nervously. She hadn't been this nervous since the first time they linked.

The music from upstairs had faded but had been replaced with music from the basement.

She slowly opens the door and is met with site she wasn't quite hoping for.

Her vision ran blurry and blood ran cold. The girl had her back faced to Myana.

It was clear what was happening. Clear why Jabari and Santino didn't want her to come downstairs.

"Shit", Antonio says lowly as his eyes meet with Myanas.

Myana had never been so angry or hurt. Something foreign came over her. Her eyes darted to the Glock 19 sitting on his dresser.

Without a second thought she grabbed the gun. Three shots echoed through the room and the girl's body fell limp on Antonio.

Antonio's eyes widened and he rolled the dead body off of his. The body rolled off the bed and onto the foot of the bed.

The boys upstairs had sprinted downstairs due to the sound of shots.

Myanas finger lingered on the trigger as she pointed the barrel at his head. A million things were running through her mind.

Antonio pulls the sheets up farther and raises his hands in surrender.

"Chill Myana"

"I hate you...", she hisses lowering the gun. The better part of her still loved him and didn't want to hurt him.

Kahils eyes wander around the red room. Antonio is better off dead because if Chris and Zion find out about this he's fucked. He thought, taking in the scene.

"we're done", Myana speaks once again. She turns on her heel, stepping over the body and towards the boys in the doorway.

"Get rid of this bitch before Chris gets home", she tells Santino setting the gun in his hand and retracing her steps out of the house.

Kahil give Antonio a dirty look before racing after Myana.

She had been sitting on the curb stuffing her face with wings when Kahil had finally found her.

How she had the stomach to eat after killing someone, her first person at that, who knew? Maybe it was the adrenaline or the millions of emotions she was feeling.

Kahil silently sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her. She layed her head of his shoulder and they just watched cars pass by.


how y'all feeling??

how y'all feeling??

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