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Myana's Pov

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Myana's Pov

Thursday Jan. 27
11:31 am

I WATCHED the Chik-Fil-A commercial intently as it flickered across the screen. My head on Brandon's chest as he mindlessly scrolled on his phone.

After the whole fiasco at school we got suspended for a week. So we've really been kicking it these past few days. Well except for when I'm at work.

Only linking with the gang a bit, Antonio got beat that day and decides to act like a fucking crybaby anytime Brandon is around. So we limit our time at the Bando.

Honestly the whole situation amuses me, especially looking at purple mark that formed around his eye.

I'm kind of hungry, and now I have a taste for Chik-Fil-A. Damn I'm so easily persuaded.

I turn around and rest my hands on his chest so I can see his face. He slightly drops his phone a bit to see what I want.

"B can we-", I start.

"Yes Mamas. Go get dressed", and with that he was back scrolling on his phone.

"You don't even know what I was finna ask", I smile moving his phone.

"I heard the commercial Yana, now go get ready cause you know my hair cut at 4", he laughs lightly pushing me off the bed.

I playfully roll my eyes and grab some undergarments and jeans from my backpack and skim his closet for a shirt.

Once I find the one that fits my mood I head to his personal bathroom. I hit shuffle on my playlist, strip of my clothes, and step into the shower.

After 10 minutes of letting my shower thoughts take over I get back to the task at hand. My hand automatically grabs for my loofa and body wash.

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