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Myana's Pov

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Myana's Pov

Saturday Feb. 29
11:53 am

PEARLED MY love", Secret waltzes into the bathroom as I stand on the toilet tying a plastic bag over the smoke detector.

"Sad that I have to go through all this just to smoke a fucking blunt", I jump down with a huff.

If not the smoke detector would go off and the hotel would alert the fire station making it a big ordeal.

I've been in this hotel since the whole Brandon situation. And kissing Jabari just made me miss Brandon more, but I'm not folding. Atleast not yet.

If he wants to fix this he'll have to come to me, I'm not fixing shit I didn't break.

"Here", Secret says through a cloud of smoke. I pinch the blunt and take a much needed hit.

"Why does everyday feel so repetitive?", Secret asks laying on the bed a sliding her promise ring on and off her finger.

That's what the little black box was, Zion gave it to her in the middle of lunch at Panera.

She cried, I cried, Kahil asked if she was gone finish her sandwich. Romantic right?

Either way it seemed that whatever had Zion and her off track was being worked on, gradually.

"It feels like everything is falling apart, to me....", I sigh laying next to her.

I invited Lexi but we all knew she couldn't come, she's been grounded since her parents found out she's not a virgin.

They're late as hell but if it makes them feel better locking her up for the weekend.

Plus Secret's my ride to work today because my car broke down on the highway, that's another reason I could really use a blunt.

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