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YaYa's Pov

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YaYa's Pov

Oct. 31
10:13 pm

ᴀʟᴇxɪꜱ'ꜱ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ


ANT CAN we-"

"Not right now. Go hang out witcha girls for a minute.", Antonio cuts me off. I scoff and leave the basement full of niggas shooting dice and making deals.

I wouldn't even be at this party if I hadn't promised Alexis. And the way Ants been treating me isn't making me wanna stay either. I swallow the lump growing in my throat and take a seat a stool.

"Thirsty?", Zion asks handing me a cup.

"I'm not in the mood to drink tonight", I gently push the cup away from me.

"Sayless", he sets a water bottle infront of me. I sigh and give him a soft smile.

"Why you ain't dress up?", He asks making me take note of his costume.

He was in a bloody doctor's outfit. His Glock slightly peaking out of his pocket.

"Didn't feel like it", I shrug as Secret waltzes into the kitchen.

She was wearing a bloody nurses outfit. I give her a discreet thumbs up to which she smiles.

"Awe what's wrong Mamas?", She asks holding my face looking at my forced facial expression.

"Nothing, I'm good", I assure taking a swig of my water.

"I'm getting Chris", Zion states with a blank expression.


"We finna go hurt this nigga"


"Nawl ion wanna hear it. He keep you looking sad in da face. Shits not wassup", he cuts me off. Secret just nods in agreement.

"He's just having a hard time, that's all. I'll handle it okay?"

"Ion know", Zion mumbles walking further into the party. Most likely ignoring what I said and looking for Chris anyways.

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