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Brandon's Pov

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Brandon's Pov

Tuesday Dec. 15
8:17 pm

𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐫

GET OUT ya bag nigga ! Play some gangsta shit", YaYa said plugging her phone up to the aux.

"I don't have any gangster shit on my playlist", I chuckle as we ease at a red light.

She shoots me playful smile just as she pressed play.

I honestly couldn't believe that my plan to get her to go to the winter ball with me was successful.

Well halfway, we're on the way right now.

Somehow I couldn't stop stealing small side glances at her as she lip synced all the lyrics to the song I didn't know.

Sure she threw up fake guns and gang signs every five seconds, but I guess that's what I find attractive about her.

She could unapologetically be herself.

I turn the music down a few notches as I pull into the school parking lot.

"Ou shit I'm nervous.", Myana says applying another layer of lipgloss.


She just looks at me and I figure that was a dumb question.

But I feel like it's nobody's business who I bring or where they are from.

A knock on my window draws our attention away from eachother.

I roll the window down and I'm met with Nick and his date, Cassy.

"Brandon ! Brandon's date!",Nicks shouts throwing his hands in the air.

"Nicks friend ! Nicks friends friend !", Cassy follows up copying Nicks actions.

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇 • 𝘣.𝘮.𝘭.𝘢Where stories live. Discover now