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Secrets Pov

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Secrets Pov

Monday Jan. 6th
7:32 am

SO LET me get this straight", I start and Myana looks at me intently.

"You want me, to help you, force this guy- or should I say Eastside resident number one-"

"How you just gone assume he lives in the Eastside?", she cuts me off.

"Look what is on this mans back", I twirl him so that his back is facing her.

"A backpack?", she raises a brow looking around his figure at me.

"Yes bitch. A backpack"

"Stop acting like Westside folk can't afford backpacks. You just don't wanna help me", she gently pushes him back onto her bed next to his friend.

"Well....me and Zion have been really good lately. Ion want him pissed at me again because I helped you snake your Eastside friends into our group."

I didn't mean for that to come out as selfish as it did. But I couldn't act like I didn't mean it.

Zion gets mad over the smallest shit. And this isn't small, so imagine how pissed he'll get.

"But you know how Jamesgrove is, they're gonna need a little ya know...", she trails off.

"They do not need protection, oh my god. They'll be fine"

"Some guy did say they get trigger happy with the prep boys", the one with the glasses glances up from his phone.

"Sounds like something Zion would say", I mumble more so to myself.

"Worst part is, it was Zion", Myana face palms.

"Wait that guy is Zion?? Why the hell do you want me to befriend him? He technically threatened to shoot me", Glasses says his eyes widening as he connects the dots. His friend looks oddly amused.

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