*requested* one last time - bucciarati

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lil lemon warning but i know ya'll love that shit ;)

for @kiwipineapples

it had been a few days since bucciarati's battle with the boss, if it wasn't for giorno he might not have made it out of there in one piece.
the gang hadn't been the same since fugo had abandoned us, we lost abbacchio and trish was more anxious than ever considering the new circumstances.

we thought we were protecting her from the evil in the world, it turned out that we were the ones who'd delivered her to the evil. her father, the boss was out for her blood and all because he was too afraid of anyone finding out his true identity.

you couldn't even begin to imagine how trish must have felt, but your mind kept going back to bucciarati. everyone was off since we'd turned against the boss but bruno had been acting the strangest. you'd notice how he never really seemed to present a lot of the time, like his whole being was somewhere else and it worried you.

once you and what was left of the gang had gotten to the safe house, bucciarati took his leave and left the five of you in the study where you were looking for leads on the boss.

your eyes shifted around the room watching your friends aimlessly pour through endless amounts of data while trish overseen it all. you fidgeted in your seat and began tapping your fingers on the table, you continued to torment everyone with your insufferable moving around until finally mista sighed and approached you.

"spit it out." he insisted, drawing everyone else's attention to you.

you hesitantly met mista's gaze, although his words seemed harsh his face was soft as he placed a hand on your back prompting you to talk.

"it's just, bucciarati he's...different." you stammered your words, unsure of how to breach the subject with them. you just wanted to know what was going on, you felt in the dark with everything that had been happening.

"we're all different now." giorno piped up leaning forward, as your eyes met he gave a sympathetic nod.

"giorno, you know what i mean." you insisted, wanting to press him further as you could tell that giorno knew more than the rest of passione did and it pissed you off a little. you'd been here much longer than he had, you and abbacchio had a shared opinion on giorno and even though he was a great addition to the team it did sting a little knowing that bucciarati confided more in the newcomer than you.

"speak to him yourself y/n." he responded before returning to work and the other followed.

you excused yourself from the rest of the group, you couldn't take being in the dark any longer, he was your closest companion and the one you loved the most. with a heavy heart you made your way to bucciarati's quarters, going over in your mind what you wanted to say.

as you approached the door you could feel your heart beating out of your chest as you frantically knocked at the door. a few moments passed and you heard some shifting before the door slowly opened, bucciarati peering down at you.

"y/n, what can i do for you?" his voice seemed cold, like he didn't want you to be there but you were taking a stand. you pushed your way through into his room and flung yourself down onto his desk chair.

"we need to talk." you demanded, he seemed taken back by your sudden hostility but nevertheless he shut the door and sat on his bed, giving you his complete undivided attention. his unwavering stare made you nervous, you had to glance away every now and then, preparing yourself you took a shaky breath and tried to find the words.

"say what's on your mind y/n." bucciarati coaxed you, you hesitantly met his gaze and stuttered out your thoughts.

"i-i just...there's something wrong with you and i don't get why you won't talk to anyone about it.." your voice was full of concern and worry as bucciarati took a deep breath pursing his lips together.

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