lessons - gyro

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some cute fluffy lemon of my fave golden teeth cowboy ass gyro , some spoilers for part 7 btw enjoy xo

the steel ball run was your chance at a new life, a chance to earn something for yourself and your family. you'd had a tough life to say the least, with your father taking ill and eventually passing away, it was up to you as the eldest to help your family get the means to survive. the race course would take you all across america and the prize was 50 million dollars, something you were more than hungry for.

the travel to america was a price you were willing to pay, you'd come all the way from (country) just to enter. following the first stage, you'd come 8th in the last dash and decided it best to settle yourself down in the outskirts of a little town and just as you were setting up camp, a voice called out to you.

"hey! you!" you furrowed your brows, spinning around to confront whoever it was, you'd half expected it to be reapers or someone looking for a brawl to set you off course but you were met with the face of a young man.

"are you alright?" his accent was british, he seemed harmless so you replied promptly.

"just taking a rest is all, can i help you?" you quipped.

"not to trouble you but i was wondering if my buddy and i could stop here with you?" his features were soft and he seemed to pose no threat, you glanced over at the long haired male and he drew you a scowl which pissed you off. after thinking on it for a moment you realised  that the younger male had pulled  himself off the horse in front of you and was actually a cripple. feeling somewhat bad for the man you admitted defeat and gave them permission to set up camp with you.

"thank you, i'm johnny and that's gyro." the brit gestured to himself and then over to the mysterious scowling cowboy.

"y/n." you responded blankly, returning to settling your horse and pulling out your sleeping roll. you lit a small fire and offered them some tea that you'd hidden away in your satchel, both men were grateful for the hot beverages and soon the three of you were fast asleep.

not so long after that, you bumped into them again along the way and agreed to travel with the pair, you got along very quickly with johnny but gyro kept his distance like before. he had however refrained from scowling at you and would just give you the occasional nod every now and then.

a couple of days into travelling, johnny had fallen asleep by the fire pit, so you decided to take a leap and actually try to be friends with this guy.

"so gyro, where are you from?" you questioned, the pair of you sat a few feet apart by the crackling fire. gyro smirked and tipped his hat slightly, "you can't tell by my fantastic accent?" he joked.

"sorry, i don't get out much." you lifted your hands up in defence, giggling at his cheeky personality as he feigned hurt by your comment.

"i'm italian." he beamed proudly, flashing his golden grills which had his name engraved in them.

"wow, i bet it's beautiful there." you sighed, eyes growing big with imagination of the beautiful country you'd only heard of in stories.

"it is, very in some parts, my family is quite wealthy and are known as the doctors of the kingdom of naples where the royal family resides." he explained, you raised your brows in surprise.

"you sound like royalty yourself, so are you a doctor too?" you marvelled as you leaned in, resting you arm on your leg and placing your chin in the palm of your hand. you listened to gyro telling you of his training to be a doctor and how he and his father and brothers are the executioners for the king too, you were so intrigued by everything gyro spoke about and saw him in a completely new light.

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