neighbours - jotaro kujo

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god knows where i pulled this from but i made jotaro a blushing mess sorry not sorry!!

just fluff🖤

moving from (country) to japan was a big step for your family, your father had just landed an amazing business opportunity and your mother was, of course, behind him all the way. your family moving out to japan was one big adventure for you. sure, you'd miss your friends and other family members from home but it's not like living in japan was permanent or anything. your family had moved into a beautiful home, it was modest and conventional, not too far from town and relatively near your new school. during the hectic move, your parents had quickly gotten to know your neighbours at the kujo residence just across the way. their home was much more extravagant in comparison to yours, traditional in style with its coy pond, sliding doors and tatami mat flooring.

"oh good morning, you must be the l/n's daughter! my name is holly kujo, i live here with my husband and son jotaro, my husbands away on business at the moment! he's a jazz musician you know!" the blonde woman beamed when she met you, you couldn't help but smile at her cheerful demeanour.

"it's very nice to meet you mrs kujo, i'm y/n." you bowed respectfully towards the bubbly woman, she really was charming and very friendly. after speaking with mrs kujo for a bit about your family and (country), you caught a glimpse of her son. he was super tall, he definitely had his mother's eyes and you wondered if he shared her bubbly personality.

man were you wrong.

you overheard his gruff and angry tone towards his mother, all she did was push past it with her unwavering optimism and continue to mother him sweetly. the stoic teenager caught your gaze and furrowed his brows at you, in a hostile attempt to scare you no doubt, but you just waved awkwardly and went back inside your residence across from his.

it soon became the normal for you to see him every morning when you would leave for school, he'd ether be going to school or skipping. after a few days of getting to know the route, many girls began to follow you to school. at first you thought maybe they were trying to be nice or whatever, considering you were the new student, but nope. they started to stalk you only because you lived across from the kujo residence, where of course, jotaro lived.

"oh my god jojo is so handsome!"

"you're so lucky you live across from him!"

"i bet you watch him all the time!"

"" you rolled your eyes at the girls' weird behaviour, and continued to walk towards the school.

"what do you mean? you don't think jojo is handsome?" one of them retorted, you turned to look at the girls with a pitiful glance.

"well i mean is there anything else?" you asked, you didn't even know the guy, you'd seen him once and he stared daggers right through you, yet here these girls were, assuming you watch him from across the road like a creep. these girls were so shallow to think that just cause he's a good looking guy that he's automatically "mr perfect".

"what?" the annoying girl fumbled, raising her eyebrows expectantly, "that's not the question, do you think he's hot or not?" she bit back, the others eagerly awaiting your response.

you sighed, "i haven't talked to him so..." your response made the girls gasp, dumbfounded by your lack of interest in the schools number one eye candy. "you have eyes right?" another chimed in, by this point you'd heard enough about the kujo boy.

as you turned the corner and seen the school in view you felt relieved you'd only have to put up with their fangirl comments a few minutes more.

"that's not all there is to a person." you shrugged at the group of girls and you reached the gates.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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