lie - leone abbachhio

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i used to be such a slut for abbacchio so here's some meanie abba that becomes soft lemon abba 🖤

9pm on the dot and there you were pacing up and down the hall of you and your boyfriends home. you were absolutely frantic with anxiety as you replayed the last few evenings in your mind. going over the words that he'd said, every possible scenario was flying around in your messy little head and causing you to doubt your whole relationship.

you and abbacchio had been going through it for a while now, each night he would come home and be a complete jackass. you couldn't even cough around him without a bombardment of yelling for you to be quiet and then the petty arguing would begin. it would always start with  whatever he did to giorno that day. one minute he would be telling you about the mission and midway through you'd always interrupt him because that's round about the time he'd have started something with the poor teen, which you of course didn't agree with.

the next minute he's annoyed at you for defending the little brat and complaining that you never take his side on anything. he's always so moody and stressed with work these days too, too preoccupied with the mafia to even be intimate with you. it frustrated you how long it had been, you thought surely he must of been going crazy too, but then you'd question wether or not he's even still in love with you and the cheating thoughts would rise.

he hasn't touched you in weeks, what if he's found someone else? what if it's someone in his gang and they do it on missions together?

no, abbacchio wouldn't do that to you.

you'd then take back the cheating thoughts and start the guilt train.
however, after rethinking a few more of the frequent episodes you would come to the conclusion that maybe you just weren't good together anymore.

you used to be so in love, he used to bring you home flowers and amazing stories but now all you could seem to do was fight and squabble. for example, the other evening he came home and did his usual, which was to complain about giorno, kiss bucciarati's ass, comment on mistas dumb phobia of the number 4 and then laugh about something fugo and narancia did during their tutoring lesson. you listened intently up until he mentioned the part about fugo stabbing poor narancia with a fork.

"leone you shouldn't be laughing! narancia looks up to you, you know." you scolded him promptly, ashamed he hadn't helped the poor boy out a bit.

narancia had paid a visit to your home many times to speak with abbacchio on subjects like; girls, his fighting technique and how to complete fugos' impossible homework sheets. he'd told you a bunch of times how much he respected and looked up to your beloved leone, leone even feeling somewhat mutual, almost like a fatherly figure.

but all of that seemed to go out the window today over a fork. abbacchio's eyes squinted at you, his face one of complete astonishment that you're not finding this as funny as he is and also annoyed for the lecture.

"why can't you ever take a joke? god what is it with you these last few days." he grumbled, standing up from the couch to pace in front of you.

"me?!" you screeched, rising from the couch yourself as you scrambled to defend yourself. "you saunter in here and just complain about children and laugh at them when they're being stabbed!!"

"he was fine!!" he screamed, his large muscular body towering over you as his rage filled voice echoed throughout the room. you couldn't even bring yourself to look at him when he was like that, his sneering face, gritted teeth and bulging eyes bore into you viscously.

as you plopped yourself down on the couch, you heard the key turn in the front door which had brought you back to reality, signalling that your boyfriend was home.

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