teach me - mikitaka

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you'd been friends with josuke since you met him on the first day of school in your history class, he was quite a strange boy and he, okuyasu and koichi always seemed to run off in a hurry after school to hang out with his nephew or something like that. after a bit of snooping, you finally figured out that the reason they were so weird and bizarre was because they had these strange spirits called stands, you yourself did not possess such a thing but rohan used his heaven's door on you and wrote that you could see the stands.

not too long after all that weird stuff, something even weirder happened, you met an alien. well, a so called alien, his name was mikitaka and he was so charmingly stupid, he had absolutely zero clue and in fact, tried to eat your rubber when he started coming to school with you.

since josuke and everyone was busy with issues of stands and the mysterious golden arrow, they decided that you would look after mikitaka and teach him how to be, well, normal. you actually really enjoyed your time with the strange boy, he was very pleasant to be around and often asked rather ridiculous questions. you loved how patient and carefree he was, he had such a magnatism about him that drew you in more and you loved hearing about the many life's he had lived.

it was going onto the third week of your 'tutoring' in all things human and the likes, but lately you'd been distracted. things at home weren't great right now, your father had been having an affair and your mother was desperate for a divorce. you hadn't told anybody about it, you were too angry to even speak a word of the horrible ordeal, but then there was mikitaka.

"y/n, you look upset is everything alright?" his soft voice pulled you from your inner turmoil, his expression was one of concern and you completely lost it.

"oh mika, i'm so sorry you have to see me this way when i'm supposed to be helping you." you sobbed and brushed some hair out of your face, you watched his face change slightly and then he smiled.

"it's okay, i can still learn from this experience. won't you tell me what's troubling you?" he asked as he sat down beside you, you flinched slightly at his closeness, you weren't really used to this sort of contact and it didn't help that you kind of had a crush on him.

"it's complicated." you replied, a bit coldly.

"do you not trust me?" he asked surprised and almost offended, you shook your head and tried to reassure him.

"no it's not that, i just don't feel like talking about it right now..." you trailed off trying to avoid his intense gaze.

"ah okay, then should i talk about something else?" he asked, his eyes boring into yours, you took a deep breath and thought for a moment about something that would take your mind off of everything.

"mika, tell me about the stars."

"you wish to know about my home planet?" his whole face lit up with excitement at your request, you nodded sheepishly at him and he took your hand and pointed it up towards the dull sky.

"i'm from the southern celestial hemisphere which orbits what you humans call the milky way." he tells you as your eyes light up, you loved hearing him talk about space and all the beautiful things that he'd encountered way out there. he directed both yours and his hands over in the directions of all the amazing things he was telling you about, you felt yourself slightly blushing at his actions but you knew he meant nothing of it.

"my species live in the dwarf galaxies called magellanic clouds, there are more than a thousand types of stars, the magellanic bridge links our galaxies together and the magellanic stream connects us to the milky way." you nodded towards him in wonder as you stared up and tried to imagine how these things would look, the colours and textures of everything forming in your mind.

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