just us - josuke

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yo sorry i've been mia, been dealing w some shit n not had the motivation to write but i'm back and i'm gonna try keep myself focused !! enjoy some josuke lemon

you'd been dating josuke for a couple months now, pretty much everyone knew you two were couple and even though his fan girls were heartbroken they couldn't be mad at you as you made josuke so happy. in the beginning it was really strange, you'd been partnered up together for a science project, before that josuke hadn't really taken notice to you but you of course knew who he was. he was always so smiley and soft when around you, you didn't realise at first, simply brushing it off as his personality but over time, he finally confessed.

it actually took you both a lot of time to build up to even holding hands, you were both nervous about all that stuff and didn't want to make one another uncomfortable. eventually after about a month, you made the first move and kissed his cheek goodbye and since then josuke pretty much couldn't keep his hands off of you. you of course were flustered and a little embarrassed whenever he initiated anything in public, your shy nature simply not allowing you to relax when other eyes were around, but soon enough you became comfortable with it.
josuke loved that he got to see your more laid back side, the way you'd smile and be at ease around him made him happy, knowing it was him who could make you feel content.

after a lot of thinking and planning, he'd decided to make the next move with you. you watched him jog over to you at the gates after school like he always did to walk you home, but this was different. he seemed nervous, a little out of sync and you weren't sure why. the conversation was dry and only when you finally reached the outside of your house did he finally open up.

"y/n, the reason i've been weird is because i've been wanting to ask you if you would...if you would want to stay with me on friday?" he asked hesitantly, his cheeks were burning red and your eyes suddenly widened a little, a faint squeak emitting from your throat at his request.

"your mother is okay with that?" you quipped, taken back that tomoko would allow such a thing.

every time you were at the higashikata residence tomoko would check on the pair of you every hour, the door to josuke's room would always have to be open and she even had a curfew for when you were to go home. you couldn't imagine his mother agreeing to something like this at all, she was very protective of her son but it wasn't that she disliked you or anything. she was in fact absolutely taken with you as josuke was, her fear was of her son causing you or any other girl the pain that she went through of being pregnant and left at a young age, although her and josuke's father joseph seemed to have made amends it still played in her mind. she was trying to look out for the pair of you and would rather that you waited until you were more mature, but of course, two teenagers in love couldn't help themselves.

"well she actually won't be home." he answered, his hand reached and scratched the back of his neck trying to distract from his nerves, but now it was your turn to be embarrassed. your cheeks tinged pink at his words and you raised your brow at the promiscuous idea, josuke seemed to notice your change in demeanour and mentally slapped himself for coming out with it like that.

"oh i didn't mean it to sound like that!" he quickly blurted out and held his hands up defence, you shook your head at how cute he was.

"it's alright josuke i know you're not that kind of guy," you giggled as his cheeks only continued to grow redder. "yes we can have a sleepover." it was weird hearing yourself say that to josuke, you didn't think that anything would happen but then again you were kind of hoping that maybe something would...

"great, i'll um meet you after school tomorrow?" he grinned down at you with hope in his eyes.

"okay." you replied bashfully, biting your lip trying not to let out your excitement. josuke grinned at his success and kissed your forehead before waving you goodbye and heading home.

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