one lucky idiot - okuyasu

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"oi y/n!! are you walking with us to school?" a gruff voice hollered at you as you were locking your front door, you could tell that voice anywhere. spinning around you were met with the face of your best friend okuyasu, you waved him over.

"yeah yeah, i just have to drop this over to rohan's." you smiled showing him some paperwork as you approached him at the end of the path outside your house.

"i'll come with you, josuke and koichi can meet us at the gates." he offered with a smile, you nodded and headed in the direction of the manga artists home.

"i'll just wait here." okuyasu mumbled as you stepped up onto the front porch of the grand house.

"don't be silly oku come on!" you scolded, gesturing for him to come beside you, he pouted.

"but y/n, you know rohan- sensei doesn't like me!!"

"just keep your mouth shut n' stand next to me okay?" you laughed, he nodded sheepishly before joining you at rohan's front door. you gave okuyasu a reassuring smile before you knocked at the door, you heard rohan shuffling around and then the doorknob turned revealing him.

"ah y/n," he smiled down at you as he opened up the door, then he glanced to okuyasu and his smile totally disappeared. "and you brought okuyasu," he sighed. "come in."
you and okuyasu shared a look before giggling, rohan really didn't mask his feelings for okuyasu and josuke, you didn't really understand why he didn't get on with them but it was funny watching okuyasu's face of shock at his rudeness.

you both entered and rohan closed the door behind, he guided you up to his study and told okuyasu to wait for you in the hall.

"still hanging around with delinquents i see." he commented as you both entered his manga room.

"play nice." you warned.

"i don't know how you stand them y/n." he said in disgust at your choice of friends, but you didn't care they were your rocks and you wouldn't trade them for anyone else.

"oh come on, they're both nice guys you're just autistic when it comes to things not going your way." you retorted, he rolled his eyes knowing full well that you were correct, he hated when things didn't go his way, he was rather particular about things.

"you're a smart young woman, how do you even have a conversation with someone like okuyasu?" he said turning up his nose, you swatted him on the shoulder, screwing your face up at his horrible comment.

"don't be mean! i may have a higher intellect but i am also a student, we do have things in common you know." you lectured, giving him a look to which he let out a "hmph" sound in exasperation.

"anyway, here's those notes you asked me for. i better go or we'll be late!" you say handing him the papers and rushing down the stairs, you hear rohan mutter something of a goodbye as you reach the bottoms and link arms with your friend before heading out the door.

"he is one lucky idiot." rohan said to himself as he watched you and okuyasu leave, everyone knew that you had a special place for him in your heart, everyone accept he, himself.

in the distance you could see koichi and josuke waiting patiently for the pair of you just outside the gates of school, oku let your arm go and ran ahead to them leaving you trailing along behind. you watched in admiration as he greeted the two boys and then turned back to you with a sheepish grin, ushering you over.

"come on y/n!" he grinned at you, you returned the smile and the four of you walked to class together like any other day. first i had english with koichi, it went by pretty fast and then i had physical education with josuke and okuyasu.

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