his little secret - mista

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sorry but i fucking love mista so here's a third oneshot because fucking why not??

lemon warning ;))

tuesdays were always slow work days, not that anything exciting ever really happened, you had your regulars to tend to. however, today a customer that you had never seen before entered. he was mysterious looking and wore a ridiculous hat. you watched him saunter in and fling himself down at a table, he pulled his hat off and chucked it on the table before sighing heavily and glancing over the menu.

you were leaning on the counter, head in your palm as you stared over at the boy, he was pretty cute and his hair...why did he wear that dumb hat? you soon realised you'd been gawking at him for a while now so you quickly ran over and took his order, a large coffee and some strawberry cheesecake. you noticed he seemed upset about something, usually you'd speak to your customers if they appeared that way, y'know try brighten up their day as that was part of your job, but this boy wasn't a regular. you took over the order to the distressed looking boy and decided to try and make conversation anyway.

"rough day?" you asked as you placed his coffee  and cake down on the table, he looked up, your eyes met and he gave a weak smile.

"something like that, yeah." he mumbled as he hung his head, his fingers played with the handle of the coffee cup and he sighed.

you pouted your lips at his sad posture, then your eyes lit up with an idea. you slid across the counter and ducked under the till, rummaging around until you found what you were looking for. popping open the lid, you hopped on over to the gloomy boy and poured him something else. his eyes shot up as the glass clinked on the metal table, he gave you a confused look before you slid the glass across to him. he lifted it hesitantly and took a sip.

"this is whiskey?" he said bewildered as he faced you.

"uh huh." you smirked and winked at him then carried on gathering other customers mugs and half finished plates.

the next day he went back to that little cafe in hopes he'd see you again, and sure enough he did and so he went again and again and again.
at first you were shy, he was undeniably attractive, in that scruffy and rough type of way but that didn't bother you. his eyes were the kind you got lost in, so deep, so dark and his body, it was like it had been chiselled by the greek gods themselves. he did dress rather odd, but the fact he wore a cropped sweater didn't phase you, it just meant you got to see more of his amazing body.

something you learned pretty quickly about guido mista was that he was terrified of the number four, why? you hadn't the slightest clue, something about it being bad luck or whatever, the only reason it was ever brought up was because one day his bill came to a total of 14.45 and he freaked the fuck out. you were able to calm him down though and told him to just give you 13 instead, it was stuff like that he liked about you, you had the ability to calm and soothe him like no one else could.

soon guido started coming by your apartment after work, you'd just sit and talk or watch a movie, but one night you decided it was a good idea to get shitfaced and you both got a bit handsy let's say, nothing resulted in sex but it was evident that you were very much into one another.

after that he was pretty much taken with you, he would be by the cafe almost every afternoon, that went on for about three weeks straight and then he finally asked you to be his.

unknown to you, guido mista was a gunslinger in a gang, working for the mafioso. it was an unwritten rule between the gang that relationships were not allowed, their job was too dangerous to involve others in and most of all, too important to jeopardise. mista didn't care one bit for the rules, he wanted to be with you and if that meant sneaking away every so often then he would do that without fail.

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