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"Soo where did you move from?" I ask Joey. "New York what about you" he smiles as he says that. "Um Texas" I tell him. "It's a little different" he says. "Yah it kinda is" we finish our lunches smiling and talking we learn a lot about each other.


After school I went home and you know did the usual. I fixed my bed and cleaned my room.

I randomly got a text I don't know who from. It's a random number they said hey. I asked 'who is this'. I'm waiting impatiently for a text back.

I hear my phone ding. I pick it up and see the message it says 'joey'. Oh I wonder how he got my number.

'Oh heyyy' I say back. 'Wyd' he texts back. 'Nothing much hbu' I reply. 'Nothing either 😂' he sends. 'Oh😂 cool' I reply.

Texting is kinda awkward. I wonder if me and him will become best friends.


The next day at school I go find Joey. "Heyyyy" I say as I walk up to him. "Hi" he says and smiles.

"How's ur going so far" he asks me. "It's just another day" I say. "Oh wow" he tells me.

The bell rings. "Well bye I'll see you in the halls or at lunch." He smiles,waves,and walks away. I wave back.


Lunch period came. I have decided I'm gonna ask Joey if we're best friends. Because I really want a best friend.

"Uhhh hi Joey" I say with a little nervousness. "Uh hi is something wrong" he asks me worried. "Oh nothing I was just wondering , or we best friends ?" I ask him. He smiles. "Of course" he smiles and gives me a hug.

That wasn't that awkward. "Uh felicity do you wanna walk with me after school" He asks. "Yes" I say back. "Ok good" he smiles.

The rest of the lunch period we did the same as yesterday we talked, and goofed around.


I'm in science class again. The class where me and Joey met. He still sits right behind me. I'm in my thoughts.

I know a lot about Joey now. He is super nice. His favorite color is blue. He loves ice cream(especially rocky road). He has two sisters,and two brothers. He has his mom, and a step dad. He loves Instagram. His favorite clothing brand is Gucci.

I feel like I know him a lot. It's weird. I just didn't give him a lot of information about me. Does he really need to know about my mom and my dad?

The teacher tells us to get with our partners. Me and Joey get up and start walking to the library.

In the library the whole time we kept laughing and making jokes. The library kept telling us to "shhhh" But you know the usual we didn't stop.

"Felicity what are you like" Joey asks me. "What do you mean" I say. "Like what is your past life you never told me about you" He says. "I-i Joey i don't really want to say" I tell him. "Oh it's fine I'm sorry." He says as he closes the book.

The bell rings. Me and Joey stare into each other's eyes for a while. I finally say, "I think I should go." I get up. "Yah of course,me too" He says. We get up and go our separate ways again.


The finale bell of the day rings. I walk outside to the courtyard. "Um felicity" Joey says trying to catch up to me. I stop and let him. "Are you still down for that walk" he asked and smiles. "Yes of course" I smile back.

We start walking. "Um let's walk to my house first" I say. "Ok then I'll walk you home." He says. "Yah." I smile.

"So this neighborhood is really nice" he says. "Yah" I told him this was close to my neighborhood just a couple of more blocks. This place is really no where near my neighborhood nor looks like my neighborhood.

"So what side do you live on" I ask Joey. "The whole opposite side of this side." He says. "Oh" I say back. "It looks a little bit like the neighborhood just not as big houses like medium size house if that makes sense." Joey laughs. I laugh along too "yah".

When we turn the corner I see a familiar car. Oh no it's my dad. "What the fuck are you doing walking with this stupid looking boy." My dad says as he pulls up. "Nothing just walking." I get scared and look at Joey. Joey is just in shock. "Get in the car now." In my mind I'm debating if I should say no or just get in the car. I look my dad straight in the eyes.

He wins. I get in the car. Joey just stares at me through the window. I don't look back at him though.

Until I met him. // J.M.BWhere stories live. Discover now