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"So what did your mom say?" I ask Joey as he answers the phone. "Oh what I need to tell you is that we're coming over bc my mom wants to talk to you in person" he says. "Ok".

Ding. I hear the door bell ring. I go and answer it and I see Jen and Joey right there.

"Hi" I say,and let them in. "So felicity about the Whole situation I was thinking you can stay with us ,but really would it be alright?" She asks. "Yes it really would I don't wanna leave this place I really wanna stay here" (like in Los Angeles)

"Of course I'll talk to the foster care person today" Jen says. "Ok thank you so much" I say. "No problem you make Joey happy So if you leave I know that will be gone so I want you to stay" she smiles and gives me a big hug.

"I should actually go talk to them now" she says. "You and Joey can stay here and you should start packing" she says. "Ok thanks" I say.?"bye" she says and walks out the door.

"Soo" I say. Then me and Joey start celebrating. "I'm not gonna leave" I yell.

"Yes" He says. And we give each other a big hug.


Me and Joey start packing it's been an hour. We've got most of my things packed. Jen hasn't come back yet or called so I'm still wondering about what they said.

"So here's another box" Joey says handing me an empty box. I start putting random things from my room inside.

"This is gonna be a new experience" I tell Joey. "Yah" He says. "At least it's gonna be a new experience with you" I say. "Yah I'm glad basically my whole future is gonna be with you" He says. "What do you mean" I say.

"Like we're graduating in two years so how am I spending your WHOLE future Witt you" I say.

"Well I don't know" Joey says looking right me making eye contact.

"Maybe we will" he whispers. Our faces are now inches apart. He leans in and kisses me.

Our lips got in sync and yah.

While our whole kissing session I got a call that stopped it. I wish it didn't I like joeys soft lips.

I look back. To my phone. I answer it it's Jen. "Hello felicity?" She asks. "Hey Jen" I say back. "Oh ok it is you" she says. "Well they said you can stay with me I just had to sign some things and that's all" she says. "Ok I'm so glad they said yes" I said. "Me too" she says.

After our call I look at Joey he already knew I got to stay. He just looked at me and laughed a little.

"Why are you laughing" I ask. "I don't know maybe it's bc you kissed me" he says. "Really that's what your laughing about" I say. "Yes" He says. "Of course you would Birlem, it's your personality" I say with a little laugh. "Do you like my personality" he says. "Of course I do your my favorite personality" I say. "Thank you I am so honored" he says bowing. "Omg shut up Birlem and get to work" I throw a blanket at him. He just laughs and gets back to work.


I week later and I finally moved in with the birlems. It's actually not bad. I get to spend a lot of time with Sophia and a lot of time with Joey.

Right now I'm getting ready to go to school. I always go see what joeys up to in the morning.

But today ya different. When i go to his room and he's still asleep. "Joey" I asked puzzled. "Yes" He says. "Why are you asleep" I ask. "Because I don't feel good" he says in his raspy voice.

"Want me to get your mom?" I ask. "Yes please" He says.

I go downstairs and see Jen making pancakes. "Um Jen Joey told me he's not feeling well and maybe you should go check on him" I say. "Ok" she says and starts heading upstairs. I continue my morning and go get ready.

Jen is dropping me and Sophia off at school.  She goes to the middle school first to drop Sophia off. Sophia is in 8th grade.

We finally pull up to my school. And before I leave I ask Jen, "So what's wrong with Joey?". "He is feeling sick I'm gonna take him to the doctor he's had this sickness almost all year and they keep saying it's the flu so maybe it is" she says. "Oh" I say. "Thanks for the ride" I say. "Your welcome" she says.

I get off the car and go to this boring high school. I hate when joeys not here.

Until I met him. // J.M.BWhere stories live. Discover now