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I get into the car. I've had the flu too many times this year and here we go again. When we get there my mom signs in and I go find a spot in the waiting room.

I pull out my phone so I'm not bored. I text felicity 'hey how's school' I say. 'Its ok,have you seem the doctor yet?'she texts back. 'No not yet but I'll let you go so you can work' I reply. 'Ok'. She sends back.

"Joey birlem" a nurse calls. My mom and I get up and follow her. She leads us down a hall way to a height and a weight place. She gets my height and weight.

We go into a room and I sit on the little bed. She asks all those nurse questions then says the doctor will come in a bit.

Me and my mom wait.


Soon the doctor comes. "So hi Joey" the doctor comes in and shakes my hand. "Hi" I say back. "So I'm doctor lokes , I'm pretty sure you should know that bye now" he says and smiled. "Yah" I say. (Also I just came up with the name 'lokes' lmao)

"So how have you been feeling since the last flu" he says. "It got worse over time, and now I can't handle it" I tell him. "Let's check and make sure it's the flu because you should have got rid of it not get worse" he says. "Ok" I say.

He checks for the flu and it still come sit positive. "Well it looks like it just the flu again,well give the same medicine and another one so it don't get worse again it should help this time and if it don't help in two weeks come back" he says and smile opening the door so we can leave. "Ok" I say.

Me and my mom head out the door and go back to the car.



I got back from school and rushed straight to joeys room.

I walk in there and sit on his bed.

"How you feeling" I say. I can tell he's asleep.

"Ok I guess" he says. "I hope you get better" I say. "I hope so too" he says.

"Well I'm gonna go so you can sl-" he cuts me off. "No felicity stay" he moves to the other side of the bed. "Lay here with me" he says. "Ok"

I lay down next to him. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer.

"This is the best spot ever" he says. I look up at him he's wide awake and smiling. "Yah" I reply.

"I love you" he says. I look up at him. He just keeps his eyes on me. "I love you too Joey" he leans in and kisses me.

I instantly regret it because he's sick and I don't want to get sick but I also don't because it's perfect.

Me and him end up falling asleep cuddling. (I swear I'm writing this and getting major uwus 🥰)


When I wake up I get up and go to my room. I go do my homework.

It's two hours later and Jen is making dinner.

After I finish my homework I go downstairs to eat.

After I get done eating I offer to take a player up to Joey.

Once I get to his room I shake him a little to wake him up.

"Hey joey I brought your food" I say. "Oh" he says in a raspy voice and starts to get up. I hand him a hoodie from his closest and he puts it on.

"Thanks" he says as I hand him his plate. I go sit next to him in his bed while he eats.

"So you have the flu again" I say. "Yup,but I feel like it's more than just that this isn't the flu and I know it isn't just no one understands or believes me" he says. "I believe you,I see the pain your going through  and I can tell you've never been like this before" I say.

"Yah but as long as your here my world is perfect" he says. I smile at him and peck his lips. "I should go back to my room to finish my homework" I tell him. "Yah, you don't wanna fail" he says. "Shut up" I say and laugh a little" I close the door and go to my room.


It's two weeks later and Joey is back at school. He's about to play his last football game of the season he became the best player.

I see Joey run out to the field the game is about to start. I stand there cheering and tells chants ether eh other cheerleaders.

It's the last minute of the game if the play goes right we win.

I Stand here and watch Joey.

Until I met him. // J.M.BWhere stories live. Discover now