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😝Kodi's P.o.V😝

I fluttered my eyes open and smiled. Today is Brody's birthday. I looked over and Luke is still sound asleep.

"Lucas. Oh Lucas." I said.

"Hm." He hummed.

"Today is Brody's birthday." I said.

"No, he's still my baby boy." He complained.

I laughed, "C'mon lets go wake him up."

We trailed out of the room and into Brody's. We walked up to the cot and he was stirring in his sleep. He opened his eyes and smiled when he saw us. He sat up and made grabby arms.

I picked him up, "Happy Birthday bubba."

He laughed and looked at Luke smiling. Luke returned his smile.

"Ready to go downstairs bubba. I heard someone stopped by and decorated it all." He said.

"Yay!" Brody screamed.

"Alright alright." We started heading downstairs.

We got down and Brody started squirming in my arms. I placed him down and he ran to the couch. On it was a stuffed Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Pludoh, Donald and Daisy.

"Mumma!" He jumped up and down smiling.

"Yeah bubba look!" I picked up the Mickey Mouse.

There were balloons everywhere and streamers and so much other stuff.

"Brody, you might wanna c'mere." Luke said from the dining room.

"C'mon bubba lets go see what daddy has found." I said.

He grabbed my hand and we walked to the dining room. I picked Brody up and it was a Mickey Mouse cake. There was a little Mickey Mouse cupcake just for Brody to.

"There was a note in the kitchen from Brook." Luke said.

"What'd it say?" I asked.

"Hope he likes it when he wakes up we will be by later. Love Brook." He said.

"So Brody when Aunt Brook gets here you have to tell her thank you." I said.

He nodded staring down the cake, "Mumma, I hungwy."

"Ok ok let's get some breakfast." I walked to the kitchen.

I placed him in the high chair and grabbed my phone. I propped it against something and put FaceTime on. I went to the fridge and grabbed a pack of fruit.

(Same as last chap with the FaceTime call)

"Well hi Brody."

"Hi." He gave a shy wave.

"Happy birthday buddy!"

He giggled and I placed the fruit in front of him. I looked in the camera and waved.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey, Kodi, wheres Lucas?"

"I think he's still admiring the cake." I said. "Brook did all of the decorating herself. It looks great."

"It does look great. Only if you guys could be here." Luke walked in the kitchen finally.

"We wish we could be to."

"When's everyone getting there?"

"Shouldn't be long." I washed out Brody's cup.

Luke put his arms around me from behind. He placed his chin on my shoulder so his mouth was right by his ear.

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