Chapter 1 - Contract Seal

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Fa Liyan keep running. His father told him never look back. No matter what he hear, he have to keep running. 

When he feel safe, he stop running, he took a deep breath. He didn't know why his father ask him to run. He look at the sword in his hand. 

" Liyan, remember, keep the sword safe. Never give the sword to anyone else. I can't take care of you anymore after this. You have to take care of yourself. I'm sorry." 

Fa Liyan, just 7 years old boy. He doesn't understand what is going on, but as he is an obedient son, he just follow what his father ask him to do.

" Where did he go?" " Don't know, let search there."

Fa Liyan heard a voice of stranger. He then continued to run. 

"Fatty, here. There is the boy, go get him."

Fa Liyan scared, as he hear the man who chasing him is just behind him. He keep running until he found a cave. He thought of hiding inside the cave.

"Ouch!!!" Fa Liyan tripped. 

He tried to get up. He then saw a rope underneath him. He have cut off the rope that attached to a statue. 

He know what is this. It a barrier. Now, he's getting scared. He doesn't know what the barrier is sealing. He then looked again at the statue. The statue look like a fox.

" Boy, come out!! You don't have to hide anymore. This cave has no other way out. I can easily find you. You better go out by yourself." the man shouted

They actually know what inside the cave, so they don't have the courage to go inside. 

" Come and get me. I won't follow you guys without a fight." said Fa Liyan as he swinging his father sword. His hand is shivering, he know his life is just on the line.

" Boy, are you being pursued?"

Fa Liyan stood still after hearing a voice behind him. Even though he is scared, he still want to see the person behind him. He looked up and saw a beautiful man.

" Please help me, mister." Fa Liyan, beg for help

After hearing that small boy asking for help, how can he ignore it. Then he smiled.

" Boy, promise me. If I help you this time, will you help me later." asked Xu Junhao

" I will." said Fa Liyan.

"Alright then," As fast as lightning, Xu Junhao went out meet with the pursuer.

Soon after, when Fa Liyan didn't hear any noises or movement from outside, he come out from cave. He then saw the two guy who chase him already lying down on the ground.

" Are they dead?" asked Fa Liyan.

" Not yet, they just passed out. But don't you worry, they are seriously injured. They can't chase you, it took a long time for them to recover. So you are safe now, you can go back" said Xu Junhao

" But mister, I can't go back. There are many of them." said Fa Liyan

" What is your name"

" Fa Liyan"

" How Old are you?"

" I'm 7 years old"

Xu Junhao look at Fa Liyan. He saw the sword. He know why Fa Liyan being chased. Then he know how he come out from the barrier. He smiling again.

" I call you, Liyan from now on. Come here, Liyan."

Fa Liyan, just standing still. He still scared.

" See, if i want you dead. You would be dead by now"

Fa Liyan come closer. He amazed by the beautiful face that man have.

" What do you want to do now?" Xu Junhao asked Fa Liyan

" I want to revenge."

" How?"

" Can you help me?" 

" How can I help you?" asked Xu Junhao 

" I want you to kill the man who kill my father." said Fa Liyan

" You see, Liyan. I can't kill. If i can kill. I already kill them." Xu Junhao pointed at the lying men 

" Then, how can I revenge my father?"

" Well i owe you for breaking the barrier that seal me, so I'll teach you some martial art. Consider me as paying you back." 

" Teach me, please." Fa Liyan feel excited. He still can revenge his father.

" But, there is more. Do you still remember the promise you make with me, inside for helping you"

" Yes, I know. What do you want?" ask Fa Liyan as he holding his father sword very tightly. He thinks, maybe Xu JunHao also want the sword, as he don't have anything else to give to Xu Junhao

" Ha..Ha..Ha..Liyan, don't you worry. I'm not interested in your sword. I do have something to ask from you, but now not the time." Xu Junhao laugh at Fa Liyan

" I'm sorry. It because my father remind me to keep the sword with me, that make me think you also want this sword as i don't have anything you want."

" Not now. One day. How about we make a contract." said Xu Junhao " Give me your hand"

" I, Xu Junhao promise that I will teach Fa Liyan a martial art and assist him to revenge for his father."

" Now, you turn."

" I, Fa Liyan promise that I will keep the promise that I made with Xu Junhao"

"Seal" said Xu Junhao. " Seal" Said Fa Liyan

Xu Junhao smiling as he watching Fa Liyan. He, who hate human, make a contract with the human boy. Maybe he was amazed to see the 7 year boy, who are calm and mature. Or maybe, they share the same burden, a revenge.

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