Chapter 10 - Ji Xiao Jun

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When Fa Liyan packing up his stall, he feel someone watching him.

A moment later, he meet eyes to eyes with the person who look at him. He want to go near but that person runaway from him.

Fa Liyan kept packing. On the way back home, he thought of that person. That person just stared at him. Why?

Fa Liyan come to meet Xu Junhao at the stone pillar. Everyday, he purposely goes to the stone pillar where Xu Junhao is. He come to bring Xu Junhao back.

From far he can see tears are flowing on Xu Junhao cheeks. Same, everyday. He want to wipe out the tears but he doesn't know how to comfort Xu Junhao.

Seeing Xu Junhao crying like this make him wondered how Xu Junhao could control his feelings of revenge. Is his grudge, just normal?

" You still coming here?" ask Fa Liyan as he saw Xu Junhao at the promise stone pillar.

" I like here. I feel at ease." Xu Junhao playing with his umbrella.

" Are you coming with me? If not, please don't be late. I'm starving." said Fa Liyan.

" Fine, let's go."

Fa Liyan bought some meat at the market earlier. Usually he will hunt wild animals in the forest. But today, he wants to buy Xu Junhao a good Grade 'A' meat. He wants to make Xu Junhao happy.

After Fa Liyan tying Yinglong. Fa Liyan packed up the rest of his sales to kitchen. He then started practicing martial arts.

" Oh my Yinglong, you must be hungry, eat this. Eat a lot." Xu Junhao gives Yinglong a sack of radish and corn.

" Don't let her eat too much, at the market this morning, she ate a lot." said Fa Liyan while brushed Yinglong's body.

" Oh, that's good, eat it until you're fat, then when you get older, we eat your meat." said Xu Junhao. Fa Liyan tried to close Yinglong's ear, so that she will not listening to Xu Junhao words.

" Grrrr !!!!!" Yinglong shook his head." Ha! Ha! Ha! "Xu junhao laughed.

" It wasn't me who feed her, there's a girl give Yinglong some sweet potatoes." Fa Liyan, brushed Yinglong's body.

" Yinglong, actually the girls attracted to you or to your master?" asked Xu Junhao again.

" Why would they attracted to someone like me." Said Fa Liyan. Xu Junhao look at Fa Liyan face.

 Xu Junhao look at Fa Liyan face

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( Picture of Fa Liyan. 17 years old)

" You know, if you smile a little, I bet all the girl will get in line for you."

" Master, I live only for revenge. Not just for my sake. I will revenge for your sake too."

Fa Liyan look at Xu Junhao face, " There you go again. Are there something you don't want to tell me, why is it difficult for you to let me go and get my revenge."

Xu Junhao sigh. The grown up Fa Liyan become more rebellious lately.

" Thanks to you because you still remember the promise you've made. I'm touched. Did you think that I don't want to help you?" Then he leave Fa Liyan alone.

The atmosphere at the dining table a quiet. Usually, Xu Junhao will ask how's Fa Liyan's day. Sometime Xu Junhao will talk about the food they're eating.

Fa Liyan feel sorry. He stopped eating, he want to start the talking.

" This meat tastes delicious, you've to eats a lot" Xu Junhao said as he put the meat on Fa Liyan's bowl.

" Master ..,"

" I already know who killed your family." Fa Liyan was shocked. He was excited to find out more.

" They are from the shadow's crow clan. They are robbers. They rob anything." Xu Junhao continue his speech.

" Then, what are we waiting for? I'm already prepared." said Fa Liyan

" That's the problem, they never lived in one place. I still don't know where it is. They are good at hiding." Said Xu Junhao again. For Fa Liyan, there is no reaction at all.

" If I can get my energy back, it's easy to find them."

" How do you get your energy back?" asked Fa Liyan.

" I have to take revenge to get that energy back."

" If so, what are we waiting for? didn't I already promise to you that I'll take a revenge for you."

" You really want to help me?" asked Xu Junhao

" That's right, I'm going to kill the one who caused the master to shed tears for this past years."

Tears welled up in Xu Junhao's eyes. He tried to hold back from crying. " Tomorrow, I'm going to the village. We'll figure out a way to kill them all." Xu Junhao wipe out his tears.

Fa Liyan smiled, he ate a lot. Finally, he can take revenge for his family.

At Li's Resident

" Master, tomorrow morning, I want to go back to my village. I have something to discuss with my grandma." said Ji Xiao Jun

" How long will you be there?" asked Li Hao Kun.

" Not long, Soon, after I settle my thing, I'll be back here." said Ji Xiao Jun again.

" Alright. Came back as soon as possible and be careful on your journey."

" Thank you, master."

Actually Ji Xiao Jun in shocked. He still feel surprised to see someone who smell like a fox.

This morning while accompanying his madam to the market, he smelled Fox's scent. He searching for that scent. At that time he came upon a man selling firewood. To his surprise, the smell came from the man, but the man was human.

That's why he wants to go back to his mom and grandma for advice. What should be done. What if that man is being possessed.

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