Chapter 20 - Even Known

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Ji Xiao Jun is complaining, why is he always getting up so late? He went straight to the bathroom, washing his face.

He stands at the edge of the stairs to find where Fa Liyan is. He is looking everywhere to find the face that he knows.

" There he is, I'm lucky, he's still here," said Ji Xiao Jun. 

Then, he hurried and went downstairs to the main room of his guest house. 

( Ji Xiao Jun 16 years old)

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( Ji Xiao Jun 16 years old)

Fa Liyan was just barely sitting in the main room when he saw Ji Xiao Jun standing on the top floor of his guest's house.

Ji Xiao Jun smiles to see Fa Liyan and Fa Liyan replies back with a smile.

What? What's wrong with me, said Fa Liyan

" Good morning, I thought you left me," said Ji Xiao Jun. 

" Morning, I haven't thanked you for last night, thank you for taking care of me."

" Oh, that's just a small thing, we're friends."

" Friend?" asked Fa Liyan

" Friend. Then what? A couple? " replied Ji Xiao Jun. When he said that, he looked the other way. He is the one who said it, but he was the one who is shy.

Fa Liyan saw Ji Xiao Jun's shy face. Fa Liyan's cheeks are hot too.

" Waiter, take the order, please" called Fa Liyan

" Yes sir, what would you like to order" asked the waiter

" Give us meat congee and plum tea 2 sets. Want to add anything, Ji Xiao Jun?" asked Fa Liyan

" No, just this," Ji Xiao Jun replied

" Please wait a moment," said the waiter again and left.

" Fa Liyan, why there are so many people today?" asked Ji Xiao Jun while touching Fa Liyan's hand.

" Arr .. Arr ..," Fa Liyan stuttered for being nervous.

" Sorry." Ji Xiao Jun just noticed that he had touched Fa Liyan's hand, this time his face turn bright red.

The waiter came to serve the food on the table.

" May I ask? Where did this crowd come from?" asked Ji Xiao Jun.

" Most of them are merchants from festivals at the next village, they are on their way home, stopping here for breakfast." replied the waiter

" Before, the merchant whose daughter been kidnapped, did he stop here to drink?"

" Yes, there is. After that they were ambushed by the robber," the waiter replied slowly. He gave an eye signal. Fa Liyan senses something.

" Do you think..., " " Thank you," Fa Liyan interrupts Ji Xiao Jun's conversation. The waiter left them again.

" But I still have questions," said Ji Xiao Jun.

" Here, there must be robbers among them all, don't ask too much." Fa Liyan brings his face to Ji Xiao Jun, he wants to whisper to Ji Xiao Jun. Ji Xiao  Jun's heartbeat is beating fast.

Later, they kept eating and just kept quiet.

After finishing their breakfast, they quickly packed.

" This is my friend, Yinglong." Fa Liyan introduced his horse.

" Hi Yinglong, I have apples, eat them," said Ji Xiao Jun. He feeds the apple into Yinglong's mouth.

" She just ate, don't give her much," said Fa Liyan.

" Well, just one, not much," replied Ji Xiao Jun, brushing Yinglong's fur

On their way back home, they didn't talk much. Ji Xiao Jun sighed, feeling bored.

" Are you tired? You wanna ride Yinglong." Fa Liyan thinks Ji Xiao Jun is tired of walking.

" Huh? Yes, may I," said Ji Xiao Jun. Fa Liyan hugged and support Ji Xiao Jun to climb above. Ji Xiao Jun couldn't think of anything. He was speechless. 

What day is it today? why the two of them kept touching each other so much? His chest feels hot. His cheeks were so reddish that he could feel how warm his cheeks were. He looks elsewhere, unable to look at Fa Liyan.

Fa Liyan is smiling, deliberately. He likes to see Ji Xiao Jun's temperament out of shame. When he pulled Ji Xiao Jun near him, he inhaled Ji Xiao Jun's sweet scent, he smell like wild roses, sweet.

" Fa Liyan, thank you for letting me ride on Yinglong, thank you for lifting me up too," said Ji Xiao Jun.

" No thanks, you're not that heavy," replied Fa li yan. Ji Xiao Jun is getting embarrassed again

" Is that sword important to you?" ask Ji Xiao Jun. As far can he remembered, he have seen the sword before.

" I consider it something my parents treasure. It is important for me."

" Have it been used?" 

" Nope, I didn't meet with the murderer who kill my father,"

" Oh, if you found him will you kill him?"

" I've been waiting desperately for the chance to revenge."

" Is it worth it? To risk your own life?"

" I don't wish to use my sword. But I could not control the anger in me. My greatest fear is to waste away the rest of my life in endless regret, how can you fight a darkness that you choose long ago, I tried to find the light in the darkness, but I can't find it, it is my fate to become a murderer. You may think, I'm wasting my time thinking about the revenge, but it is my fate, I'm living for revenge only"

" Everything happens is fate, meeting you is fate. Did meeting with me is wasting your time?"

Fa Liyan didn't answer that question. He take a deep breath.

" I already know how cruel fate is. But my fate is cruelty misplaced. I met my master, he did give me new life. I was so happy to have been given a place to belong to and I overstayed my welcome." 

" But, can I gain my freedom from the demon inside me? If I can get rid of the murderer who kill my father, can I sleep well after that or do I want to take revenge just to waste my pitiful life?"

" Didn't you've your master that you want to protect, isn't that your new purpose of life now?" Ji Xiao Jun touch Fa Liyan's shoulder.

" I know, I already made promises. I'll use the rest of my hateful life to protect my master,"

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