Chapter 13 - Hua Yu Er

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Hua Yu Er went to the kitchen. She wants to make Li Hao Xuan's favorite dessert.

It has been three years since Li Hao Xuan left his hometown, fighting for the king and his country.

She wondered, did Li Hao Xuan miss her too.

After her mother passed away, she learned to cook from her maid. So for this past three years she has already learned all of Li Hao Xuan's favorite dishes. She have prepared herself to become Li Hao Xuan's wife.

While she waited for her cold jelly bean's to cool, she remembered her childhood memories.

" Brother, I want to go too?" said Hua Yu Er to his brother, Hua Yu Yi.

" No, it's dangerous." replied Hua Yu Yi.

" Hurry up, Ah Yi." shouted Zhao Chun Tao.

" Don't follow us, sister. It's already dark and it's dangerous. I'll catch those fireflies and I'll bring them back for you." said Hua Yu Yi again.

Actually the three of them, Hua Yu Yi, Zhao Chun Tao and Li Hao Xuan had promised to catch fireflies on the hill. The three of them sneaked out quietly from the house without their parent's permission. 

They had no idea that Hua Yu Er was coming along.

When they were on the hill, they were having a lot of fun, each chasing fireflies, a moment later Li Hao Xuan slipped and nearly fell, fortunately Hua Yu Er managed to reach Li Hao Xuan's hand.

" Brother !!" shouted Hua Yu Er. As she still hold Li Hao Xuan's hand.

" Yu Er?" Hua Yu Yi is shocked to hear her sister's voice. He and Zhao Chun Tao immediately came towards his sister.

" Hao Xuan!" shouted Zhao Chun Tao, he and Hua Yu Yi pulled Li Hao Xuan up.

After Li Hao Xuan was saved, Hua Yu Er cried.

" Come sister, let's go back first." Hua Yu Yi said after seeing there is a long cut on his sister hand. He tried to stop the bleeding but it won't stop.

" Brother, this wound will leave scars, no one wants to marry me later." Hua Yu Er is crying.

" Don't cry, Yu Er. Later when I grow up, I'll marry you." said Li Hao Xuan.

" Promise?" asked Hua Yu Er.

" Promise." said Li Hao Xuan.

" I'll marry you when I'm older." said Hua Yu Er. She wiped out her tears.

With that promise, Hua Yu Er held it until now, she's only 5 year old back then but she still remembers. Now she is 15 year old and eligible for marriage but she has rejected many proposals just because Li Hao Xuan has promised to marry her.

Hua Yu Er smiling alone in the kitchen. The cold jelly bean is ready, so she quickly packs it to bring to Li Hao Xuan. She was so excited, she really missed Li Hao Xuan.

" Master" said Fa Liyan. "I was looking for you everywhere. Where did you sleep last night?" ask Fa Liyan when he saw Xu Junhao enter the teahouse.

" I'm sleeping at Li Hao Kun's house." replied Xu Junhao briefly. Fa Liyan is silent, he dare not to ask more. Xu Junhao sat in front Fa Liyan.

"  Li Hao Kun went out for this few days. I didn't know where he is going, so I've follow his son  last night."

 " When I was watching Li Hao Xuan, I heard a conversation about a merchant who had been robbed on the way, but due to the noise, I couldn't hear clearly." said Xu Junhao as he sipped Fa Liyan's tea.

" Where is it, Master?" asked Fa Liyan.

" At Dafen Village. But I don't think that the robbers are still there." said Xu Junhao.

" Master, let me go and investigate first. If I go with Yinglong, 2 days will arrived." 

" Do you need to go? Can you go alone?" asked Xu Junhao.

" I can, Master. You don't need to worry about me." said Fa Liyan.

" Please don't do anything foolish. Any information, immediately come back and tell me."

" Yes, Master." 

Soon after that, Fa Liyan get ready to make a preparation. He put all his belonging on top  Yinglong, and then he rode his horse, Yinglong. 

He wants to get to Daitian's Village as soon as possible, so he can get a little clue about who the robbers are and if the robbers are the shadow crow clan, he want to find out where is their hideout place.

Xu Junhao watch Fa Liyan depart in front of him until Fa Liyan's disappeared from his sight.

After Fa Liyan's departure, Xu Junhao wanted to meet Zhao Lifei. He was wondering, how are Zhao Lifei doing all this years? Will Zhao Lifei recognize him.

Hua Yu Er disappointed. 

She went to Li Mei Hua's house, Li Hao Xuan's sister. She found out that Li Hao Xuan wasn't there. 

She actually went to Li Hao Xuan's house earlier but Li Hao Xuan wasn't at home. His maid said he went to his eldest sister's house, Li Mei Hua.

Li Hao Xuan's favorite dessert, cold jelly bean that she prepared for, she give it to Li Mei Hua. 

She really want to meet Li Hao Xuan. She already asked permission from his father to invite Li Hao Xuan for dinner. That's why she went to Li Mei Hua's house. She must meet with Li Hao Xuan.

Why it's so hard to meet Li Hao Xuan, she complains. So now, how would she explained to her father about Li Hao Xuan. Her father also want to meet Li Hao Xuan. He want to asked about our wedding.

Hua Yu Er sighed.

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