Chapter 6- Zhao Lifei

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Xu Junhao just woke up. He looks out the window. Summer is the season that Xu Junhao is waiting for. He turned to look to his side. He saw Xu Minhao still sleeping.

He went out to his yard. Even though the sun is up, the weather is still cold. He breathed the fresh air.

He was glad the green leaves were growing from his plum tree. He is happy, so he danced under the plum tree. He didn't wear any shoes. He didn't mind his feet getting wet from trampling on the grass that still had dew.

" What !!?" Xu Junhao screamed. He was shocked. He being picked up by Xu Minhao.

"It's cold outside, why not wear your hanfu?" asked Xu Junhao. Without answering Xu Junhao's questions, Xu Minhao kissed him. It's just a light kiss.

Xu Minhao put Xu Junhao down. He then pushed Xu Junhao on top of a bed. Xu Minhao was over Xu Junhao with both hand at the side of Xu Junhao head. He slit his hand under Xu Junhao hanfu. While Xu Junhao wrapped his arm around Xu Minhao's neck. " Bring me to market today with you." asked Xu Junhao.

" Kiss me then," said Xu Minhao. Xu Junhao face come closer to Xu Minhao's face.

Xu Minhao started kissing Xu Junhao. They kissed longer and harder with Xu Minhao hand touching and groping Xu Junhao's body.

" Stop, we will be late." say Xu Junhao. He have to stop Xu Minhao because they have to go to market. They're selling firewood and vegetables in the market.

Xu Junhao love being with human. He even said that human's heart is warm and full of love.

He and Xu Minhao were adopted by a priest, raised and live as a human. Although both of them are from White demon Nine tail's fox tribe. When they were young, they don't know why they been raised by the priest. As they grown up, they know their family been slaughter by evil shamans.

If not because of the priest, both of them will die too. Both of them got their name from the priest. They live in deepest forest, because the priest tried to hide both of them from the shaman. But Xu Junhao is a naughty young boy, always running away and went to a human village.

Xu Minhao is mature and a calm person, his job is to sell in the market. Xu Junhao was so naughty, the priest had to look after him. at home, Xu Junhao do the housekeeping.

After the priest passed away, Xu Minhao always bring Xu Junhao to the market. But Xu Junhao never stayed in one place. He loved to wander around.

" Sir, do you want to buy some biscuit?" asked the merchandise to Xu Junhao.

" The biscuit smell so good" said Xu Junhao.

" Yes, sir. We just baked it."

" I didn't bring money." say Xu Junhao. He leave the stall. Xu Minhao, didn't give him some money to spend, because he ended buying unnecessary thing.

" Sorry! Sorry!" said Xu Junhao. He bumped into someone. He just walking without looking infront of him. But once he saw nothing happened, he leave that man.

" Hey, are you leaving after bumping into me?" that man look angry. Xu Junhao curious, why is that man yelling at him.

" Where is the medical expenses?" that man stretched his hand towards Xu Junhao. " You bumped into me and my chest is hurt."

" What? You're not injured." Xu Junhao look at the man.

" You dare to speak to me like that. Auch! Who throw the rock?" asked the man as there is someone throwing some rock at him.

" It's me." Zhao Lifei come out from the crowd of people.

" It's you?"

" You bully, always bullies people." said Zhao Lifei, he then look at Xu Junhao. What a beauty.

" You better run before I...." as Zhao Lifei look back at the man, the man already running.

" Then, beauty. Are you alright?" ask Zhao Lifei. Xu Junhao frowned

" Hey, don't be afraid. My name is Zhao Lifei and you're?"

Xu Junhao didn't answered. "Thank You, sir." He then leave Zhao Lifei.

" Wait, please. Let me know your name or do you want me to call you beauty." Zhao Lifei smiled.

" I'm Xu Junhao." said Xu Junhao. He want to get away from this man as soon as possible. He tried to escape from Zhao lifei but he stood firm on the shoulder of the road. Xu Junhao sigh, he forgot his way back to Xu Minhao.

" Seem like you're lost. Then maybe I can help you." Zhao Lifei offer a help.

" Nevermind, I can find my way back." Well if he lost, Xu Minhao will find him. He always lost and everytime Xu Minhao will always find him.

" Oh, you're going back. So you're not here because of the festival tonight?" said Zhao Lifei.

" There will be a festival tonight?" Xu Junhao interested.

" Yes, this afternoon we will watch a dragon boat race, then in the evening, there is flying lantern festival."

" Wow, I want to go. But I don't know if Minhao want to go." said Xu Junhao happily.

So cute. " Who is Minhao?" asked Zhao Lifei

" My lover"

Zhao Lifei was disappointed to hear the answer from Xu Junhao. Such beauty is rare and it already taken.

" I can show you around, do you want?" Zhao Lifei want to spend more time with Xu Junhao.

" Can I? If I'm not bothering you" said Xu Junhao.

" No. I do have a shop nearby. You can come and look around my shop."

" Great, I'm lucky to meet you." Xu Junhao smiled.

( Picture of Zhao Lifei)

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