Chapter 22 - Moon

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Xu Junhao has just woken up. He doesn't know how many days have he been sleeping. He looked around the empty room, searching for a figure that the eyes wanted to see. The weather is cold now but for a fox like Xu Junhao who has a high body temperature, he doesn't feel any cold at all. But there is one place that feels cold, it is his heart. He wants to cry but he can't cry. He can't show any expression at all. He looks at the full bloody moon.

Moon, I've finally found him. But he didn't remember me. It's torture to me but I will never meet him again after this.

Moon, I'll tolerate, I will definitely tolerate it. It doesn't matter if he doesn't remember me. I will tolerate it.

Moon, I believe that one day, I will get back what belonged to me. said Xu Junho. He wipes his tears.

Xu Junhao stared at the moon that shone above the sky, the moon was shining very calm light. It soothed his heart. It reminded him of his past memories.

" Are you still awake?" asked Xu Junho. " You like to look at the moon. Are you really looking at the moon or are you daydreaming far away?

Xu Minhao kisses Xu Junhao's hand. He pulled Xu Junhao close to his body, then he hugged Xu Junho. Xu Junhao was hugged from behind by Xu Minhao.

" I love your scent, it calms me down". said Xu Minhao as he kissed Xu Junhao's shoulder

" Why? Why does your face look sad", asked Xu Junhao

" No, I'm happy. I hope I will forever be happy by your side".

" Me too, I hope we will be happy forever", said Xu Junhao while kissing Xu Minhao. " if time can stand still I hope it can preserve this moment," said Xu Junhao again while resting on Xu Minhao's broad shoulder. " Just like this, I lean on your shoulder, forever like this".

" What are you talking about? We still have a long way in life. I'll never get bored with you and will always love you," said Xu Minhao. Xu Junhao cuddling and hugging Xu Minhao

" I like your smell, please don't tempt me Junhao," said Xu Minhao. Then he bit the back of Xu Junhao's neck.

" Ahnnn...." Xu Junhao let out a seductive voice.

" Minhao, don't." Xu Junhao covered Xu Minhao's mouth with his hand, not allowing Xu Minhao to bite him again.

" Mmm, say it again, don't you want this?" asked Xu Minhao while licking Xu Junhao's finger.

" Ha...I beg you...don't," Xu Junhao tried to push away Xu Minhao's body.

" I like to see your face now, your mouth says no but your body approaches mine. You really don't want this?" Xu Minhao's hand has already touched Xu Junhao's nipple.

Xu Junhao turned to faced Xu Minhao. He presses his lips to Xu Minhao's lip, firmly. His hand rests at Xu Minhao's shoulder while Xu Minhao's hand rests at Xu Junhao's waist. Xu Minhao slips his tongue in Xu Junhao's mouth. 

Ah, Xu Minhao's tongue entangled with mine, we already become familiar with the warm & smoothness of our mouths. I really love the way he kissed me with love and tenderness, I'll kiss him back with everything I had, said Xu Junhao in his mind.

Xu Junhao lost his breath, he was struggling breathing but he didn't want to stop. But if he can stop this sensation, he might die in pleasure. Xu Minhao stops, and he realizes that Xu Junhao is breathing heavily. He look and smile, " Hey, why didn't you ask me to stop?"

" I.... like it, I...don't want... to ....end it" Xu Junhao tried to speak while hardly breathing. Xu Minhao staring down at Xu Junhao's eyes. " So naughty" Xu Minhao picked up Xu Junhao's nose.

" Master! You've been awake? You need to rest more, your body is still recovering," Fa Liyan barged into the room not knowing that Xu Junhao had woken up. He put a buckle of water beside Xu Junhao's bed. " Come Master, please wash your face here. I'll bring the herbal medicine" Fa Liyan went to the kitchen and cooked the medicine for his Master, Xu Junhao.

Xu Junhao looks into that buckle of water and sees his reflection in the water. It's his beast's face! Wait, Fa Liyan wasn't afraid of seeing him like this.

" Master, please drink this herbal medicine, please be cautious, it's still hot," Fa Liyan gave the bowl of the herbal medicine to Xu Junhao. Xu Junhao slowly takes the hot bowl into his hand. To him, this heat is not too hot for him but still, he drinks slowly that herbal medicine.

" Fa Liyan, only you who are not afraid of my face now", Xu Junhao gave the empty bowl to Fa Liyan. Fa Liyan put the bowl on the table beside the bed.  " Master, I have seen this face of yours before. At that time, I wasn't afraid, how come this time I'm afraid? Master, can your face change back to its human form?" 

" You said that you're fine with my beast face, how come now you're asking if my face can turn back to a human face again?" Xu Junhao's smiling at Fa Liyan. 

" I'm fine with it, I'm afraid people who saw your face will come and harm you." 

" Any news from resident Li's house? ask Xu Junhao. Fa Liyan shakes his head. " Why they didn't make any move? They can search and catch us anytime they want," Xu Junhao touched his chin. " Ah..., let me rest more. Later we will find some information." 

" Please rest more, Master. I'll protect you," Fa Liyan put Xu Junhao to bed. He wants to ask more about how his master ended up at Li's residence but he doesn't know how to ask. Master, please believe in me, please trust me, tell me everything. Don't just endure everything on your own, am I, not your family?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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