Chapter 2 - Home sweet home

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Fa Liyan, followed Xu Junhao from behind. They went somewhere deep in the forest. After walking for a while, they have arrived at an old crappy house.

" I'm back," said Xu Junhao to himself. After a long time, he can finally come back home. With the help from Fa Liyan, he was able to break the seal that had condemned him.

" Don't be afraid, Liyan. This house looks bad now, once we get it done, it will be beautiful again. This house used to be very cheerful and full of laughter. Come, I show you around." said Xu Junhao as they entered the house. 

Xu Junhao, standing still in the living room, looking around, remembering the old memories, making him sad. "Come on Liyan, follow me." asked Xu Junhao

 "This is the dining room, come here, hurry up, this is the kitchen and this is your room. But, before that, please clean this room first," Xu Junhao show Fa Liyan his room and ask Fa Liyan to clean for him.

"All right," said Fa Liyan. He even started cleaning the room. A moment later, he came out from the room. "Master, I have finish clean the room," said Fa Liyan.

"Really, so fast. Then, you see. I look so exhausted, maybe because I was seal for a long time. I'm actually quite beautiful but now my beautiful skin been filled with open cut, bruise and dried blood. Can you get me some wood, make hot water for me to take a shower?" said Xu Junhao.

" All right" Fa Liyan just followed what the Xu Junhao told him to do without saying much, he knew only the Xu Junhao could help him. He went out looking for firewood, and then he returned with some firewood and began to provide hotbath for Xu Junhao.

While Xu Junhao was taking a shower, Fa Liyan cleaned his room and around the house, he knew Xu Junhao would tell him too. While sweeping the floor, he keep remembering himself to endure any hardship, so one day he can avenge his father death.

Xu Junhao was surprised when he came out of the bathroom to see his house neat and clean. "Now, go shower Liyan, before the hot water gets cold," said Xu Junhao. "All right, master." Fa Liyan go washing himself. He feel tired. He lying down on the bed until he feel asleep.

Xu Junhao went to look for Fa Liyan, he goes to Fa Liyan's room. When he get there, he saw Fa Liyan sleeping soundly. He smiled, then he went out for a while, looking for food. He's sure, when Fa Liyan woke up, he must have been hungry.

Xu Junhao went home with some rabbits, vegetables and mushrooms. He bring it to the kitchen. He stretches his body. "It's been a long time, I don't know what will my cooking taste now." He smiled. He miss his old life.

Fa Liyan, who slept on an empty stomach, waking up when he smelled of food. He got up from bed and went to the kitchen. "Hmm, what that smell?" ask Fa Liyan. Certainly the food cooked by Xu Junhao caught his sense of smell.

"Hey, you wake up already?" ask Xu Junhao after he heard Fa Liyan coming.

"GROWLL" a strong sound coming out from Fa Liyan stomach.

"Ha!Ha!Ha" Xu Junhao laugh. " Here, help me bring all this to dining room." Xu Junhao gives Fa Liyan some plate of dishes. Fa Liyan took all the dishes to the dining room. As for Xu Junhao, living in the forest, he can only served Xu Minhao with a good kind of meal.

Both of them already sat on the dining table. Xu Junhao watch Fa Liyan face. This is the first time he saw Fa Liyan smile.

"Hey, don't just look at the food. Eat it before it getting cold." said Xu Junhao

"Yes master." Fa Liyan grab a plate and started eating like a hungry bear. 

" Is it delicious?" ask Xu Junhao. 

" Erm, it so delicious." said Fa Liyan with a smile on his face

"Hey, eat slowly, you'll choke." said Xu Junhao. Then Fa Liyan slowly eat.

"Fa Liyan, before we can take revenge, we must eat to survive. From today onward, you must do housework and sell in the market."

"Sell in the market? What are we selling?" ask Fa Liyan.

"Firewood!! Actually, this area is inhabited by demons, humans have never been here. They all afraid to come near here. For now, you sell firewood first. You see, the land here is very fertile, look at the firewood that you are bringing back home, all of them are the hundred years old and fertile. So, earlier tomorrow morning, go find firewood and then sell at the morning market in human land." said Xu Junhao. Fa Liyan look clueless. 

" But I don't know how." said Fa Liyan.

" Don't worry, I teach you how. Hey, don't you think you're living in here for charity."

"No, I'm not. I want to learn some martial art to avenge my father death."

"Yes, that the spirit. So tomorrow at 4am, you've to wake up and find firewood."


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