Chapter 9 - White Demon

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Xu Junhao hide behind the door

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Xu Junhao hide behind the door. He watched the surroundings of the house. He needs to be careful before he can start attacking. " More guards are guarding this house but I didn't come empty handed."  said Xu Junhao. He then blew up a poisonous poison.

" Sir, the white demon nine's tail fox is here. He has defeated many of our people outside." said the guard.

" Let him come, dare he go against me." said the Shaman.

"  Ha! Ha! Ha! Just a few deep breaths can paralyze the whole body." he laughed. Inside the house, he blew the remaining poison.

" What's this smell?" said all the people inside the house.

" What?" shouted the Shaman. "Cover your's nose," but it's too late, everyone's already lying down, unable to move.

" Ukh!" The shaman wanted to fight, but could not, his chi was poisoned.

" Are you Junhao?" asked the shaman when he saw Xu Junhao come near him.

" How do you know?"

" Before he died, he called your name," the shaman smiled. He try to provoke Xu Junhao.

" WHAT !!?" Xu Junhao, grabbing the shaman, he thrust the Shaman's body and dug out the shaman's heart.

" Ha! Ha! Ha!. Oh my, I love the way you look right now. Where is the arrogant Shaman who kill my lover earlier. At first I wanted to see you slowly die in front of me. You shouldn't have kill him. Then all this would not have happened to you." said Xu Junhao while eating that shaman's heart.

" Ukh !!" there was someone cough behind Xu Junhao. Xu Junhao turned around.

" Please, don't eat me."

" I won't eat you if you tell me where is the other fox?"

" We throw him at the back." 

Xu Junhao is furious, he shakes that person's body. " Why was he killed?"

" Lord Li came to the shaman to ask the shaman to save his dying son."

" The shaman take out the fox's magic bead, he make a tonic out of it and give to Lord Li to fed his dying son"

" What? Why did he do that, we never disturb people before."

" The Shaman also didn't know what to do first. But around the festival, he smell your scent, that's why he promise to make the tonic." Xu Junhao is frozen, all this happening because of him.

" Thank you for telling." and then Xu Junhao pierced that person's heart.

" Don't hold grudges against me. You said not to eat you but you didn't say not to kill you. Ha! Ha! Ha!" He laughed. But actually his tears are flowing down.

When Xu Junhao went to the back, Xu Minhao no longer there. He knelt down on the ground. He cried so loudly. 

" Xu Minhao, I promise to get rid of the people who done this to you. I will kill them all. I will slice and tear them apart." said Xu Junhao while crying. 

At The teahouse

" Oh, I smelled fox's scent and blood." said Priest Hsu Xin.

" Yes, Priest?" asked Ran, the apprentice.

" Something has happened." said the priest again.

" White demon is raging! white demon is raging." shouted someone as he ran fast.

" Come Ran, let's go." said the Priest, as she heard the man shouting.

At Li's resident house

" Where is he?" shouted Xu Junhao. He started to burn Li Hao Kun's house. " Evil man, please come out." 

Because the house was about to burn down, Li Hao Kun's family came out.

" Why are you burning our house, demon" shouted Li Hao kun.

" Why? Ha! Ha! Ha! Why? I'll wipe out your family tonight."

Xu Junhao strangled Li Hao Kun's neck. Li Yufeng shouted, " What have we done, let him go."

" Don't you know what that Shaman gave to you son?"

" We..don't...know .. " said Li Hao Kun.

" Oh, pretend you don't know. Liar? " Then he try to bring out the bead from the baby's body.

" Please, please save our son!" shouted Li Yufeng.

" Just who you're asking to save you. So now, how do you feel? Is your heart ripping, watching your husband dying's face."

" Please, we're sorry." said Li Yufeng

Suddenly Xu Junhao is bound by a string of spell.

"Demon, this is not your place, why did you come here?" ask Ran.

" I'm taking back what is mine. Then I will kill this person with my two hand." said Xu Junhao as he try to get out from the spell

" There's a fox's bead inside the boy." said the Priest

" What happen?" asked Ran

" They kill my lover!!" shouted Xu Junhao. He glared at Ran who the one who tied him. Ran become speechless. She looked at Priest Hsu Xin.

" Save us please, we didn't know the shaman gave our son fox's bead. We just want to save our son."

" To save another child's life you killed another's life." said Xu Junhao. His tears flowed in his cheek.

" I'm sorry. I truly didn't know." said Li Hao Kun who just released from Xu Junhao's grasp, knelt down.

" How can you forgive someone for taking your precious person's life. I will never accept your word. I'll never forgive you." said Xu Junhao. He crying loudly.

" Ran, captured him." said the Priest. She and Ran spell a mantra. A moment later, Xu Junhao become weak. They captured Xu Junhao and bring Xu Junhao with them.

" Priest, thank you for saving our family." said Li Hao Kun.

" It's our duty to save people." said Priest Hsu Xin.

" Then, how may we pay for your kindness."

" Ran, tell them how." said the Priest. She looked at the boy. Boy, live well as in the future, he will come back for revenge.

" Junhao," said Zhao Lifei as he watched Xu Junhao been captured. He hate himself for being weak. " I'm sorry, Junhao. I'm sorry." 

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