Chapter 15 - Touch

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Today Xu Junhao went to Zhao Lifei's house. Luckily, he still remembers the way Zhao Lifei's house.

Xu Junhao standing in front of the Zhao Lifei's house. He hesitate to knock the door. He scared. What if Zhao Lifei didn't remember him, what if Zhao Lifei afraid of him.

" Who are you looking for?" asked someone behind Xu Junhao. He startle.

" Oh, I'm looking for Zhao Lifei." Said Xu Junhao slowing his voice.

" What? Who are you?" asked the old woman with a loud voice. She barely hear Xu Junhao's voice.

" I'm searching for Zhao Lifei, I'm his friend, Xu Junhao." reply Xu Junhao, more confident.

" His friend? But Master never has invite his friend before, beside you're still young and how can he know you. He never leave this house forever." said the old woman. 

She look at Xu Junhao, she admires Xu Junhao's beauty. Does this man come to see young master but he doesn't know young master's name?

" Oh, then it's possibly I got the wrong house." said Xu Junhao and quickly leave the house.

" Wait sir, this house is....." the old woman hadn't finished saying. She wanted to ask maybe Xu Junhao mean Zhao Chun Tao. 

Xu Junhao quickly walk away from the house. Yesterday he went to Zhao Lifei's shop but he wasn't there. That's why he tried to find Zhao Lifei at his house. Still he can't meet Zhao Lifei.

Xu Junhao walking without looking at in front of him. He bumped into someone.

" Where are you going?" asked Li Hao Xuan.

Xu Junhao know this voice, he looked up at the face of the man that he bumped. It's Li Hao Xuan. He was reluctant to say anything.

" Come with me, there are many people here. Let's find a quiet place." said Li Hao Xuan. He grabbed Xu Junhao hand and pull him beside him.

When Li Hao Xuan meant the quiet place was his house. He brought Xu Junhao to his house again.

" Uncle Chu, if anyone asks about me, say that I'm not at home for these days, can you?," Li Hao Xuan told his housekeeper.

The housekeeper shook his head as he saw Xu Junhao behind Li Hao Xuan. 

Oh my, what a beauty, young master has fallen for this beauty, says the housekeeper in his heart.

" Do you remember what I said when I let you go that day?" asked Li Hao Xuan

" I do, you said let's never see each other again."

" Then why did you appear in front of me again." 

Xu Junhao bit his lips. Why? Do you hate me so much? asked Xu Junhao in his heart.

" If that is the case, please let me go. I didn't see you on purpose."

" It's too late now. I'm not releasing you anymore, you're in my custody. Next time, remember what I said. When I say don't appear in front of me, please don't appear." Li Hao Xuan touch Xu Junhao's cheek.

Now, I'll never let you go again. I've given you a chance, said Li Hao Xuan in his mind.

" Let go of me, what you really want," Xu Junhao tried to push Li Hao Xuan.

" If I ask can you give it to me?" as the soft whisper reached Xu Junhao's ear, he froze. Li Hao Xuan smile.

Li Hao Xuan sit under the plum tree in his house

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Li Hao Xuan sit under the plum tree in his house. He smiled at Xu Junhao who are still standing in front of him.

" Come, sit on my lap." said Li Hao Xuan. Xu Junhao just follow what Li Hao Xuan said.

Afterward, Li Hao Xuan laid on his head over Xu Junhao's shoulder, his mouth beside Xu Junhao's ear. His fingers playing with Xu Junhao's hair.

Then their lip touched. It's just a light kiss.

" Is the way I touch you the reason you let me kiss you," whispered Li Hao Xuan. 

Xu Junhao placed his arm around Li Hao Xuan's neck and continued to kiss Li Hao Xuan. Actually it because you've the same face as Xu Minhao, said Xu Junhao in his heart.

Xu Junhao hear the rhythm of his heartbeat, then he locked his hand around Li Hao Xuan's neck and hug Li Hao Xuan tightly.

A moment later, Xu Junhao cried, he remember the feeling someone want him, looking at him, touching him and kissing him but actually he feel happy at the same time.

Li Hao Xuan saw tears running down on Xu Junhao cheek. His heart broke at the sight.  What is it Xu Junhao, why you show me a face that so hurt. Did my presence hurt you that much. My heart races at the look of your face. I'll stop. I"ll never do anything that you dislike.

Li Hao Xuan stopped from kissing Xu Junhao but Xu Junhao still hug Li Hao Xuan tightly. Li Hao Xuan just let Xu Junhao rest in his arm.

Xu Junhao don't know how to push Li Hao Xuan. He really missed Xu Minhao so much. He just give in when Li Hao Xuan touch him. Every time Li Hao Xuan touch him, it feel like Xu Minhao touch him. It have the same feeling, it same as Xu Minhao's touch. But this man who are in his embrace, hate him. Asking him, not to appear again in front him again. It hurt his feeling because he still want to look at this face. A tiny tears flowing down to his cheek.

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