Chapter 18 - Cuteness

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Xu Junhao woke up early today. He went to the kitchen. This time he want to make sure he is the one who is cooking. He couldn't stand spicy food, he didn't really think the Li family liked spicy food. 

Yesterday from breakfast to dinner all the dishes were spicy. If Li Hao Xuan gets angry, he won't be mad at his maid because the one who do the cooking is his.

At first the maid did not allow him to cook, giving him a reason that he was a guest. But he still insist to cook. So the maid gave up on Xu Junhao. However, the maid stayed next to him and assist him to make the dishes.

When Xu Junhao finish cooking, the maid was stunned looking at the dishes that he is cooking. Well, the dishes look familiar but his cooking ability is unmatched, he have cooked for the rest of his life. He is smiling. Feeling proud of himself.

Li Hao Xuan looking for Xu Junhao. He walk out from the his room. 

" Good morning, Young Master," Li Hao Xuan's maid greet him. " The breakfast is already prepared." 

" Oh, good morning, Mmm, did you see my guest?" asked Li Hao Xuan.

" Yes, Young Master. He is at dining table, waiting for you to have breakfast together."

" Oh, he still here. Thank you," said Li Hao Xuan. He went straight to the dining room and meet with Xu Junhao that already sitting at the table.

" You're early, are you hungry? Why didn't you wake me up too?" asked Li Hao Xuan

" You are sleeping well, I don't want to disturb you," said Xu Junhao.

A moment later, the maid brought the breakfast that cooked by Xu Junhao.

" Why does the breakfast look different today?" asked Li Hao Xuan to his maid

" Today's breakfast is all cooked by your guests," reply the maid

" What? You do the cooking? Do you know how to cook Junhao?" asked Li Hao Xuan

" Yes, taste it first. My cooking is not that good. But I think you wouldn't die eating it," Xu Junhao reply Li Hao Xuan with a cute face.

Li Hao Xuan laughed at Xu Junhao's word. " Then, serve me, what is this?" Li Hao Xuan pointed the dishes near him.

" That is buddha's temptation, this is meat congee and this is almond jelly."

" Wow, did you cook this to impress me?"

" Eeeey. No, it for me. My stomach can't stand spicy food, I cook this for my stomach" said Xu Junhao while making a cute face again.

Li Hao Xuan laughing again. Oh my, he's cute, said Li Hao Xuan in his mind

Then he remembered what happened yesterday.

Xu Junhao fell asleep at his feet after crying. Suddenly the cat came shoving her body into Li Hao Xuan's leg. Li Hao Xuan is tickled with cats. He shakes his legs to drive the cat away from him causing Xu Junhao to rise.

" Sorry" said Xu Junhao. He thought he is burdening Li Hao Xuan.

" Oh, it not about you, this cat is coming near me, I'm ticklish." said Li Hao Xuan. He pointed the brown little kitten near his leg.

" Hello, what a cute kitten. Are you tickled by cat?" Xu Junhao looked at Li Hao Xuan

" Yes, they are hairy, I'm ticklish."

Xu Junhao's smile. " Where did you come from?" asked Xu Junhao

" Miao !!" The kitten is pampered by Xu Junhao's touching.

" Look at this big guy, how can he be scared of cats." Xu junhao showed the kitten to Li hao Xuan

" I'm not scared, It ticklish."

" Eeee ... coward," joked Xu Junhao

" Hey ..."

" Now, let's touch her, she's cute," Then Xu Junhao brought the kitten to Li Hao Xuan.

" No, let him be there."

" Come on, don't act like a child" Xu Junhao holds the hand of Li Hao Xuan, he draws the Li Hao Xuan hands to the cat in his hand. He made Li Hao Xuan touch the cat's fur.

" See, why are you so scared? They're so cute."

Li Hao Xuan saw Xu Junhao's face, he smiled. You're more cute. Now Li Hao Xuan plays with the kitten. He's no longer ticklish to hold and touch a cat anymore.

" Kitten," called Xu Junhao. " I have to give a name to  you" 

" This kitten must have owner," said Li Hao Xuan

" I just give her a name, not want to keep it." said Xu Junhao with an angry cute face

Li Hao Xuan's tempted with Xu Junhao's face " Well, we call her 'HeSe' because her fur colour is brown," said Li Hao Xuan

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Li Hao Xuan's tempted with Xu Junhao's face " Well, we call her 'HeSe' because her fur colour is brown," said Li Hao Xuan

" Miao," the kitten licked his hand.

" So cute, she like her new's name," 

" I know I'm really good," said Li Hao Xuan. He hugged Xu Junhao from behind, so they hugged 'Hese' together.

" Hao Xuan" Why don't you eat? Is my cooking is not good?" asked Xu Junhao. Li Hao stopped remembering about yesterday when Xu Junhao call his name.

" It the first time you call my name," Li Hao Xuan looked at Xu Junhao's red face. " I'm just reminded of Hese." said Li Hao Xuan again when he saw Xu Junhao keep silent.

" If her master didn't come find her last night, I would kept her." said Xu Junhao with his duck's mouth.

 Li Hao Xuan's smiled. " If you want, I'll find one for you," 

Xu Junhao smiled as he raised his eyes.

" Now, let's eat first," said Li Hao Xuan

At this point, Xu Junhao doesn't notice that the person sitting infront him  is Li Hao Xuan instead of Xu Minhao.

" It's delicious. So can you cook for me every day."

" Don't be bored later."

" I will never bored. It's really delicious"

" Thank you," Xu Junhao smiled while watching Li Hao Xuan's eating.

Once again Xu Junhao smiled, Li Hao Xuan did not know how many times his heart was beating fast after meeting with Xu Junhao. He was already mesmerized by Xu Junhao smile and cute gesture

Li Hao Xuan eat until his stomach is full. Xu Junhao feel happy because the dish he cooks is being liked by Li Hao Xuan. 

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