Chapter 4 : Aphrodisiac

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It's been 6 years Fa Liyan living with Xu Junhao. During this time he have already learned a lot of martial arts from Xu Junhao.

" Master, You've come back" asked Fa Liyan to Xu Junhao after he saw Xu Junhao entering the house. Xu Junhao nodded. It has become a routine, every day he will go to the stone pillar waiting for Xu Minhao.

" Eew! What a smell. Please go take a bath now! I want to cook our dinner."  said Xu Junhao. 

" Well, I just finished practicing martial arts" Fa Liyan answered Xu Junhao after he smell his armpit. Xu Junhao smiling.

" I know already, faster, go take a bath"

" Alright."   Fa Liyan going for a hot bath. He think to put a lot of soap in the wooden bath tub. Xu Junhao started cooking.

After taking the bath, Fa Liyan went to the dining room. There Xu Junhao already sat and waiting at the dining table.

" Wow, what a lot of delicious meal we have tonight," said Fa Liyan. He just standing and watch the dishes that Xu Junhao cooked.

" What are you waiting for? Let's eat" said Xu Junhao. Fa Liyan smiling then he sat in front of Xu Junhao. They didn't say much as they enjoying the food.

A moment later, Xu Junhao speak, "Tonight you sleep outside again. Then you went home after dawn."

" But why, Master?" Fa Liyan ask with his mouth full of food. 

" Don't speak when your mouth is full and don't ask too much."

Fa Liyan swallowing his food. But then he just kept quiet. He still remembered, something happen to his master 4 years ago. 

It the same, his master told him to sleep outside. Then next day when he returned, he saw his master had wounds everywhere, bleeding, scratches and bruises. Also the walls of his house are full of scratches. But when he asked why,  his master didn't want to talk.

" Is it like this time too? Why would he send me out of the house, too? what is happening here, I need to know." Said Fa Liyan. So he planning something.

That night, Liyan came out with a blanket, but he didn't go very far. He jumped on the roof.

Later, his master came out. He watched his master ties himself up with a wide iron chains. Fa Liyan confius. What his master want to do.

Xu Junhao look at the moon, " Moon, you shining beautifully tonight but you are actually hurting me" said Xu Junhao, then he remembered his past memories.


The night breeze blows slowly into Xu Junhao's face. While the bright moonlight illuminated the yard of his home. Xu Junhao looks at the moon and says "Such a beautiful moon which standing together with stars."

"Yes, it's beautiful but what I'm looking at is most beautiful," say Xu Minhao. Xu Junhao turned to look at what Xu Minhao looking. It turned out that Xu Minhao was watching him. Xu Junhao just glared at Xu Minhao, then he turned back watch the moon.

As the air gets colder, Xu Minhao carries the feathered robe and covers Xu Junhao body with it. 

( Picture of Xu Minhao) 

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( Picture of Xu Minhao) 


Xu Junhao, crying again as he remembering his past memories. "That's why you're jealous of me, moon." He talked to the moon as the moon can hear and answer him. 

After he said that, suddenly he feel hot. It feel like he has taken aphrodisiac, which make him feel aroused and then later he feel desire for sex have increase. Xu Junhao hesitated for his release. 

" Master?" Fa Liyan shouted as he saw his master struggle with the chain.

" Why are you still here?" said Xu Junhao in a husky voice. "Master is that you?" asked Fa Liyan again after hearing Xu Junhao's voice.

" It's me, stupid. Now, go before it too late!" Xu Junhao drive away Fa Liyan. Unaware that he was so strong, he pushed Fa Liyan up to the wall of the house.

"Argh," Fa Liyan wailing in pain. He touches his head that is hurting from the wall . Then he saw blood in his hand. His head is bleeding. 

Watching the bloodied Fa Liyan, Xu Junhao laugh out loud. He's feel excited. He wants to see more blood bath. Then he lifts Fa Liyan up and hits Fa Liyan against the wall again. This time Fa Liyan spilled blood. "Go away!" shouted Xu  Junhao. He cried looking at Fa Liyan who's look weak and then he bit his hand. 

"Master" Fa Liyan tried to approach Xu Junhao.

" Get lost. I don't want to hurt you," Xu Junhao try to avoid  Fa Liyan.

" I just want to know how are you?" said Fa Liyan

" You've been hurt by me, then you are asking how am I? Don't come near me. Stay away & I'll be alright. " Xu Junhao, crying.

" 4 years ago, you were also been in this painful feeling. Why don't you ask for my help." said Fa Liyan.

" You can't help me, now go, before I kill you." 

" You don't treat me as a family." Fa Liyan trying to come near Xu Junhao. " Why can't you tell me. You make me scared. I'm afraid I'll lose you. You're the only family I've had." 

Xu Junhao stop crying. He have calmed. The anxiety which have drive through the body is gone.

" Don't be afraid. Every 4 years, there will be full bloody moon once and at that time, I had to drink blood to get rid of pain or I needed to have an intimate relationship with someone." 

" Then Master, I can help you , you just need to have an intimate relationship, right? I can hug you." 

Xu Junhao didn't know to cry or to laugh when hearing the naive Fa Liyan's word. Fa Liyan only 13 years old. He didn't understand the meaning of an intimate relationship. 

Xu Junhao look at the moon. Moon, 4 years before I hurt myself. Today I hurt the only family I have, after this what will happen to me. said Xu Junhao whispering in the mind

They both were exhausted and just laying there until both of them fall asleep.

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