Chapter 14 - Fate

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As the heavy rain poured down on Ji Xiao Jun's horse carriage, he still asked the horse driver to keep going despite of heavy rains. He look outside, it feel like the rain was growing more stronger by a minute. The cloud turn dark although it still in the afternoon.

Ji Xiao Jun bit his lip. He hope that he can arrived at the village as soon as possible.

Something unpredictable happen in the corner of the road. Suddenly a tree had fallen. The horse carrier's pull the horse, the horse tried to stop by stomping his feet and jumping up before bumping to the tree.

Ji Xiao Jun have fell down from the carriage and to his surprise, he is about to fall off to the cliff, a few meter behind him. He is lucky, he clings to the root of the tree , otherwise he will fall to the cliff.

He now regretted for not having rested when he had the chance. Ji Xiao Jun shouted for help. He hope someone could hear him.

Fa Liyan stopped Yinglong, he saw the fallen tree and a broken horse's carriage. He got off from Yinglong. In this heavy rain, he still could hear a voice. He search where the voice is coming from.

He hear someone ask for help from the cliff, he look down and saw someone was hanging by the tree. Fa Liyan reached out his hand. " Give me your hand?" said Fa Liyan.

" I'm scared of falling." said Ji Xiao Jun. His mouthed open, he want to say something but he stopped himself.

" Don't worry, I won't let you fall," said Fa Liyan. Somehow, he can reach Ji Xiao Jun's hand. He pulled the man up.

Ji Xiao Jun tightly hug Fa Liyan arm. " Well at least, you will not fall alone." said Fa Liyan again when he found it difficult to move because Ji Xiao Jun hugged him tightly.

Ji Xiao Jun released his hand. He is not afraid anymore. He is smiling.

Fa Liyan heart's pounding fast upon seeing Ji Xiao Jun's smiling at his own word. With that smile, Fa Liyan was awestruck, his face is a little hot.

" Are you hurt? Is there any wounds" asked Fa Liyan.

" No, I'm fine. Just my hands are sprained." said Ji Xiao Jun. He tried to look at Fa Liyan, but he can't see Fa Liyan face because it difficult to see in this heavy rain. He smell something from Fa Liyan.

" So can you walk?" asked Fa Liyan again. " Maybe, we can find a shelter ahead."

" I can walk." said Ji Xiao Jun. But just a few steps away, he almost fell because his legs were sprained.

" Ops, I got you." said Fa Liyan when he catch Ji Xiao Jun from falling. This time, Ji Xiao Jun's heart is beating fast.

They ended up in the inn a few meter from the place Ji Xiao Jun's falling. The rain was still relentlessly pouring outside the windows. Ji Xiao Jun had no other choice but to stay in the room with the stranger.

" Hey, you should wash yourself before you get cold," said Fa Liyan when he came out from the bathroom. He gave a towel to Ji Xiao Jun.

Ji Xiao Jun just stood still. It seem like he seeing a ghost. He been eagerly want to coming back to the village because he want to find this man but now this man standing in front him. He became speechless and afraid at the same time. What if this man eat him when he is sleeping.

" Hey, are you listening. You seem fine before." Fa Liyan put his hand on Ji Xiao Jun's forehead. Ji Xiao Jun grabbed the towel and went to the bathroom.

What's happen, said Fa Liyan. He then laid a bed sheet on the floor, he sleep there and he let Ji Xiao Jun sleep on the bed. They're lucky, because even though it in the storm, the inn still have an empty room, otherwise he does not know where to find a shelter.

After Ji Xiao Jun had bathed, he look at Fa Liyan who is sleeping on the floor. Then he took out a pouch of chanted salt that his grandmother give him. This chanted salt is allowing the creature who in disguise turning back to its original shape.

Ji Xiao Jun come near to the sleeping Fa Liyan, he then throw the chanted salt to Fa Liyan. Because of that action, Fa Liyan is awake.

" What are you throwing at me?" asked Fa Liyan. He tried to clean his body from the salt.

" Eh, why haven't you changed?" Ji Xiao Jun astonished. He scratching his head.

Fa Liyan stood up in front of Ji Xiao Jun. He is waiting for an answer from Ji Xiao Jun.

" I'm sorry, this pouch slip out from my hands." said Ji Xiao Jun, then he went straight to the bed and lay down.

Fa Liyan cleans his body from the salt. You're lucky because you're cute. Wait, what's wrong with me. Cute? I never use that word even for Yinglong.

Strangely, nothing happened. Mmph, it's not that grandmother has made mistake or it's me who made mistake but, really there is a fox's scent when I'm close to him. Who he's really is? said Ji Xiao Jun

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