Chapter 21 - Guilty Exposed

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Xu Junho thinks he should tell Li Hao Xuan about who he really is. Now he's getting more and more confused. It seems like he has fallen in love with Li Hao Xuan. He was with a man who has a similar stature as Xu Minhao. In spite of their different qualities, at least he did like Li Hao Xuan.

He walked around the living room, waiting for Li Hao Xuan to come. Thinking about how, to tell the truth to Li Hao Xuan.

Before breakfast, some people came to send a letter to Li Hao Xuan. Now Li Hao Xuan is reading it.

" How should I tell him," said Xu Junhao

" What do you want to tell me?" asked Li Hao Xuan who suddenly appeared.

" Hey, what do you want to say?" asked Li Hao Xuan again. This time his hands touched the cheeks of Xu Jun Hao.

" Ha ... um... I ..." Xu Jun Hao was nervous. He forgot what he had to say.

" Sorry to interrupt you, young Master, Xiao jun is back. He's in the front of the house with his friend." said the housekeeper.

" Oh, he's already come back home. Come on Junhao, I introduced you to my childhood assistant. I had a weak body when I'm little, I don't have a friend, then later my parent introduced him to me and we became friends from that moment on."

" Wait, let me say something to you first?" Xu Junhao holds the hand of Li Hao Xuan.

" Later I'll listen to it, come on. He's one of my bestfriends too." said Li Hao Xuan.

" But," 

" Come!" Li Hao Xuan pulled Xu Junhao's hand. Xu Junhao just follow Li Hao Xuan.

" We are here. This is my master's house," said Ji Xiao Jun. He pointing at Li's resident

" What a coincidence!" said Fa Liyan

" What is a coincidence?" asked Ji Xiao Jun

" Oh, nothing. I'm going now," said Fa Liyan.

" Why in such a hurry, stop for a while. Come in and have some tea with us." Ask Ji Xiao Jun

" No, thank you, I've been gone a long time, I'm afraid my master is worrying about me. Furthermore, we already had our breakfast" said Fa Liyan.

" Oh," It's his master again, is he really so pretty? Eh, what's wrong with me? Am I jealous?

" See you again," said Fa Liyan.

" When?" asked Ji Xiao Jun. He tapped his forehead.

" Huh?" Fa Liyan was surprised to hear those words from Ji Xiao Jun, at the same time he smiled.    

" You know where to find me" Fa Liyan 

" So then, goodbye"

" Why don't you invite your friend in, Xiao Jun?" asked Li Hao Xuan who suddenly appeared from behind.

Ji Xiao Jun immediately turned his back. It is because he smells of fox's scent, then he pulls out the pouch bag that his grandmother gave him and he throws the salt at Xu Junhao.

" Auch," Xu Junhao turned his body backwards.

" What are you doing, Xiao Jun" Li Hao Xuan shout at Ji Xiao Jun.

" Young master, come here. He's a fox demon," said Ji Xiao Jun. He grabbed Li Hao Xuan's hand. 

Fa Liyan heard the scream, he run back to Li's residence. Upon arriving there he saw his master's involvement.

" Master? Is that you?" asked Fa Liyan

" Fa Liyan, don't come close. He's a fox demon. He's a cruel killer!"

" Take me home Liyan," said Xu Junhao. He turned his body. His face had changed. Li Hao Xuan was surprised. He didn't say anything.

" He's not a cruel killer, let's go, master." Fa Liyan took the cloth and covered Xu Junhao's face. Ji Xiao Jun look at Fa Liyan. Fa Liyan's angry. He has this fierce looked on his face.

" Fa Liyan!" Ji Xiao Jun called Fa Liyan. Fa Liyan ignored it. He continued to leave Li's residence. They both went back to their guest house.

" Tell me Xiao Jun, what is just happening" Li Hao Xuan pulled Ji Xiao Jun to his room. All the residents in the house whisper to each other.

There are also people waiting outside to find out what happened but see nothing because Fa Liyan has covered his master's face.

Ji Xiao Jun wants to tell Li Hao Xuan about fox demon fury 20 years ago but Li Hao Xuan said he knew about the event.

This story have been told by his father, the fox demon came to this house to kill him, and then Xiao Jun's grandma come to save his family.

Ji Xiao Jun said again that he met Fa Liyan at the market and thought that Fa Liyan is the fox demon. He returned to the village to ask for his grandmother's opinion, and his grandmother gave him the salt powder that he used for the fox demon. Then Ji Xiao Jun asked how Li Hao Xuan know the fox demon. Li Hao Xuan told Ji Xiao Jun from the beginning.

" Did he want to kill me again, Xiao Jun?" asked Li Hao Xuan

" I don't know, young master. In my opinion, if he wants to kill you, he can kill you for a long time before," said Ji Xiao Jun.

" Please, leave me alone." Li Hao Xuan said to Ji Xiao Jun. He patted Ji Xiao Jun's shoulder.

" How is young master, Xiao Jun?" asked another maid after Ji Xiao Jun came out of the room. Ji Xiao Jun shook his head. He is a bit confused about what is actually happening.

" Mister Xu Junhao is a nice guy, we all like him. I can't believe he's a fox demon." said one of the maids

" Really?" asked Ji Xiao Jun

" Yes, he is gentle, sweet with a smile, good at cooking and kind," 

" And so handsome, no beautiful more correct." said the maid.

" Beautiful?" Ji Xiao Jun raised his eyebrows.

" As beautiful as Miss Hua Yu Er."

So Fa Liyan telling the truth that his master is beautiful. said Ji Xiao Jun in his mind. He then went to his room.

Will Fa Liyan meet him again after this incident, why does his heart feel guilty? Why doesn't he investigate first before he acts? He feels regret.

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