Chapter 7 - Fox

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" See, today is my lucky day, I have met a beautiful person , and I've won money on my bet. I've never win for once before." said Zhao Lifei. Xu Junhao smiled, he also feel excited seeing the racing boat that he choose winning the race.

" Luckily, I follow your choice, otherwise I would have lost. Why did you choose the southern village boat dragon. Actually, this year is their first time joining the race," said Zhao Lifei again.

" I choose them, because they wear a fox mask. I like foxes."

" Fine, because I won, I bought you one fox mask" They stop at the mask stall and Zhao Lifei buy one fox mask for Xu Junhao.

" Thank you." said Xu Junhao. Zhao Lifei put that mask on Xu Junhao face. Xu Junhao blushed. All this time only Xu Minhao touched him. This is the first time he has allowed others to approach him. Never he met another man before.

 Never he met another man before

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(Picture of Xu Junhao)

" Let's go light on a flying lantern? My wife must have been waiting for me there." After feeling awkward, Zhao Lifei started talking

" Are you married?" asked Xu Junhao.

" Yes, already. We have been married for 3 years but we have no children yet. That's why we want to fly the lantern to let our wish flying through heaven."

" Ooo, if we fly this lantern, will our wish be answered?" asked the clueless Xu Junhao

" Well, it's been said like this". said Zhao Lifei. How can he be this innocent.

" I'm sorry. I want to do it with Xu Minhao."

" If you want me to help you to find your Minhao, I'll accompany you."

" Really? Thank you." Xu Junhao jumps for joy.

" XU JUNHAO !!!!" someone shout Xu Junhao's name.

Xu Junhao knows this voice. He turned to look at Xu Minhao who looked like he was holding back from anger.

" Where did you disappeared, I searched for you everywhere. Are you fine ? Already eaten?" Asked Xu Minhao.

"I'm fine. This is Zhao Lifei, he helped me . I've lost and almost get bully at the market."

" That's why I said wait for me if you want to go anywhere," said Xu Minhao. He still can control his anger. "Then, why don't you ask him to bring you to me. It easier to find me. As I'm the only one merchant who sell firewood."

" You are, Minhao, right?" Zhao Lifei intervened.

Xu Minhao. "Xu Minhao, how do you know me?"

" Ohh, It's just that Xu Junhao always keeps saying your name. The thing is, I bring him along with me to a dragon boat racing. It held in the afternoon, while you're working. If he wait for you to finish selling, he can't see the race. I'm sorry for not asking your permissions. "

Xu Minhao stared at Zhao Lifei. How dare he speak to me like that.

Uh, such arrogant. Poor my beauty. " So, I don't want to bother you two, I take my leave, first. Will I see you again?." asked Zhao Lifei.

" Sure, we can. See you later Zhao Lifei," Xu Junhao wave at Zhao Lifei. 

" How dare you make an appointment to meet another man in front of me." said Xu Minhao after seeing Zhao Lifei disappear from sight.

" OOhhh, someone got jealous?" Xu Junhao mock Xu Minhao.

" You don't want to challenge my patience." said Xu Minhao. He kissed Xu Junhao's lips.

" Please wait for a moment, Minhao please bring me to a lantern flying festival." Xu Junhao persuaded Xu Minhao.

" I'll but remember that you'll be punished."

" Fine, as long as you bring me there." Xu Junhao feel excited.

" What a pretty face mask you wear." said Xu Minhao

" Lifei buys."

" That guy?"

" Yes, are you jealous?" asked Xu junhao. Xu minhao is silent.

" Why can't I be jealous. You, are mine". Xu Minhao cut some Xu Junhao hair, then kissed it.

" Hey, he's married. Later we will see him and his wife." said Xu Junhao. Xu Minhao throw the hairs.

Actually, he has been watching Xu Junhao and Zhao Lifei for a while. He cut Xu Junhao hair earlier because Zhao Lifei had touched Xu Junhao hair while wearing a mask on Xu Junhao face.

Xu Junhao stopped from walking infront of the lantern shop. He saw the lantern he loved.

" Do you want anything?" asked Xu Minhao

" Buy me a that lantern with a fox painting." show Xu Junhao to the fox lantern that he like.

" Alright. Stay here."

Xu Junhao smile, he is happy.

At the Li family's house

" Sir, please save my son. It's been a long time since we wanted a son, when we could have, he can't lived a longer life. Please, sir. How much do you want from us, we pay if we could pay.

" Let me make a mantras." said the shaman. A moment later, the night breeze began to touch the body of the Li family and all the people around.

All of a sudden he smell something weird. He read his mantras again. Then after that, turned a bunch of hair in front of him.

He smelled and bite the hair.

" Ha! Ha! Ha! You're lucky to have met me. I can help you but it is expensive."

" Say it, we can afford it, say how much! Just say how much do you want!!!!?"

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