Chapter 19 - Fireflies

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Today, Li Hao Xuan received a visit from the governor of his guarded territory. While Xu Junhao was there, The governor was the only guest he received and treated.

Hua Yu Er has come to visit Li Hao Xuan many times but she also has not been invited in. Li Hao Xuan didn't know that Hua Yu Er was coming to visit him because his housekeeper had followed his order not to tell anyone who come looking for him that he was not at home.

Xu Junhao sat in the gazebo of Li's residence. He loves to look at the plum tree's flowers blooming beautifully. Suddenly a kite fell in the yard. He then chased the fallen kite. He's super excited. 

He went to the living room, looking for Li Hao Xuan, he forgot, when he wanted to rush in, luckily, the maid of  Li Hao Xuan stopped him. 

It's because he was so excited he forgot that Li Hao Xuan is still talking with the governor so he sadly returned to the gazebo. He sits there waiting for Li Hao Xuan to come. Li Hao Xuan promises to meet there.

In the past, he used to sneak around near the village. He just watched the people's behaviour in the village as close as he could go. Xu Minhao warned him many times, not to be near the village. 

He spends the day listening to the laughter of children and people talking for hours there. He was bored, and although there is Xu Minhao accompanied him, he did feel lonely.  Xu Minhao was quiet and didn't talk much.

One day he saw kites of various colours and shapes flying in the air. He wanted to play the kite and forced Xu Minhao to buy it.

Xu Minhao did bought it but they both didn't know how to play. At that time he was very disappointed.

After sending his guests out, Li Hao Xuan searched for Xu Junhao. He saw Xu Junhao sitting in the gazebo while shaking his legs. He smiled at the behaviour of Xu Junhao.

" Strange, why every time I see him, he was looking for something with an empty stare. His act did catch my attention, but somehow I couldn't do anything"

Xu Junhao notices the presence of Li Hao Xuan. He immediately got up and ran toward Li Hao Xuan while smiling.

" Hey, be careful, walk slowly. Do you really miss me ?" asked Li Hao Xuan

" No," replied Xu Junhao 

" Hahaha, but you're looking for me right, I saw you outside the living room to sneak on me? " said Li Hao Xuan.

" Ah, that," Xu Junhao stutters. Li Hao Xuan laughed. He just joking.

" Here, I found this kite, do you know how to play it?" Xu Junhao shows Li Hao Xuan the kite that he found.

" I know, why? Do you want to see me play with this kite?" asked Li Hao Xuan.

" Yes, play it for me, later can you teach me?"

" Then, kiss me first."

" I don't want to," Said Xu Junhao. He looks away.

" I won't force you to do something you don't like," said Li Hao Xuan. He brings his body closer to Xu Junhao's body. Xu Junhao stood stiff. Their face was so close that Xu Junhao could feel the air Li Hao Xuan exhaled toward his face. Li Hao Xuan hasn't kissed him since that day under that plum tree.

"Come on, let's find a rope to tie it," said Li Hao Xuan as he took the kite from Xu Junhao's hand. 

What a shame, did I was the one who thought about the kiss, said Xu Junhao in his mind. His ear already turning red.

" Finished! Come Junhao, we have to play the kite outside." Li Hao Xuan pulls Xu Junhao's hand. They come to the place where children play with kites. Xu Junhao was happy as he looked at the sky. 

"There are so many kites up there!" said Xu Junhao.

" Do you like it?" asked Li Hao Xuan.

" Yes." said Xu Junhao. He turns all around to see the kites. Li Hao Xuan flies the kite. When Xu Junhao saw Li Hao Xuan's kite flying high, he smiled. He was very happy.

Then Li Hao Xuan gave the kite to Xu Junhao. Xu Junhao's hand is shaking. The kite almost fell.

" Pull the rope Junhao, don't let the kite fall," said Li Hao Xuan. He stood behind Xu Junhao. When he saw the kite almost fall he hugged Xu Junhao from behind. He just touches and holds Xu Junhao's hand that holding the rope.

" Watch me and learn, pull the rope like this, my sweetheart," said Li Hao Xuan, his voice clear as his lips were right near Xu Junhao's ears. Xu Junhao's ear turns red. 

Xu Junhao was so happy, he now knows how to fly the kite. Both of them stayed there until the cloud turned red.

" Hey guys, tonight do you want to go to see fireflies?" said the little boy asking his friend.  

Upon hearing this Li Hao Xuan smiled. He can bring Xu Junhao to watch the fireflies too. 

" Did you tired?" asked Li Hao Xuan. Xu Junhao shakes his head. 

" Come with me," Li Hao Xuan hold Xu Junhao's hand.

They were both climbing the hill. The problem is, it's getting dark, Li Hao Xuan didn't bring the lamp. Suddenly, they stop walking.

" Close your eyes!" said Li Hao Xuan.

" What for? It's already dark," Xu Junhao replied.

" Don't speak, just close your eyes,"

Xu Junhao close his eyes. Li Hao Xuan holds Xu Junhao's hand again. They're walking again.

" Now you can open your eyes," said Li Hao Xuan. Xu Junhao opened his eyes slowly. He was amazed at the beauty of the light.

" So pretty, is this a star?" asked Xu Junhao.

" They are fireflies, have you seen them?" asked Li Hao Xuan

" No, this is my first time seeing it." 

" Where exactly are you from, there is a lot that you do not know?" asked Li Hao Xuan. Xu Junhao just kept quiet.

" Well, if you didn't want to tell me, I wouldn't have asked more."

" Thank you for bringing me here, thank you for teaching me how to fly the kite," said Xu Junhao.

Li Hao Xuan just looking at Xu Junhao. His mind tells him that he knows this man that's why he catches hold of Xu Junhao and does not let go.

Even though Xu Junhao lives deep in the forest, he doesn't wander around the dark forest much. He and Xu Minhao will spend time drinking wine while looking at the moon.

There are times when they practice kung fu or read books. Because of that, he wanted to go to the human village to get to know more about their culture.

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