2- Training

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Two days later

"Alright, we got the sword." Crowley said as I was just waking up. "Why didn't you wake me up?" "You looked peaceful. We couldn't ruin that." "Right... I'll be out in the courtyard in a minute." I said and he nodded as I brought my clothes out from the closet.

(It's obviously black and white though like the others but you have (f/c) stockings)I jumped out to the courtyard onto my feet and heard Chess clapping

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(It's obviously black and white though like the others but you have (f/c) stockings)
I jumped out to the courtyard onto my feet and heard Chess clapping. "Great job, you have a smoother landing now." "I've been getting used to it." I said and looked at Crowley. "May we start the training?" "You don't feel a bit thirsty?" I grumbled and looked away as he saw this as a yes. "Chess, where did you hide the blood?" "Third cabinet to the left, bottom shelf in the back..." She muttered and I nodded before heading inside and getting a cup. I followed what Chess said and grabbed a packet of blood, pouring it into the cup so I wouldn't make a mess unlike her and quickly drank it. When I walked out, I wiped the blood off my lips and they nodded to me. "Alright here. Do you know what to say?" "No clue." I said and Chess spoke.

"You have to say 'my sword' and something will come out to drain your blood so it might hurt." I nodded as Crowley did an example. "My sword." He said and spikes came out of the handle. "Well damn. That looked like it hurt." "I've gotten used to it. Now, if you want more power, tell it to drain more." I nodded and spoke, "My sword." Vines came out and crawled up my arm and soon stuck to me as I felt some of my blood getting taken. "This hurts a bit..." I mumbled as the vines detracted a bit and just wrapped around my hand and a little above my wrist. "Alright then, you ready?" I nodded as Crowley and I fought but he had me to the ground quickly, one of my arms off.

"Well that's annoying..." I said and picked up my arm and reattached it. "Oh yeah, we should probably tell you about the human's cursed gear." "Cursed gear?" "We'll explain at the break." Crowley said and had his sword stop draining his blood. "Alright, I'll tell you what I did to beat you." Crowley said and explained what he did. I nodded as we trained more.

Week later

"Alright! Here's your double bladed scythe. I made it easily detachable but it's hard for them to come apart when you have them in the right position." The blacksmith said and I thanked them before we walked out. I tried detaching it and saw how it couldn't be separated easily. It was one of those things where there was a hole on one side and a bit that moves in an out to keep the object still on the other scythe.

"Alright, I'll be training her here." Horn said when we got home and got up. We were training as I was unable to beat her seeing as she took the scythe away. "You need to be more careful when your weapon is taken." "I will be. Let's try again." I said and caught the scythe. This time, when she took one away, I had detached it earlier and fought her more. She needed to capture my arm to stop me from continuing and I sighed. "What did I say? You didn't care. Who knows what could happen to the other scythe if someone else were to take it? You'd need to grab it as quick as you can. Do you just need blood?" "I'm not thirsty." I said and she shook her head. "If I was a human trying to kill you, you'd be dead." "How would they kill us? I shot you in the head when we tried to escape." "You were using an ordinary weapon. Not a cursed gear. As Lord Crowley said, we'll explain at lunch." I nodded and decided to go with the scythes apart. "And now you're trying something different?" "I'll have to learn each way. I'm just finding out what is the easiest." I said and she shrugged, sighing. "Oh yeah, vampire blades can kill other vampires. So if you do manage to get us down, don't try to kill us or we'll kill you." Chess said and I nodded. "Alright, I won't." I said and was ready to fight.

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