6- Trust?

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Hyo's POV

"That's your sister?" "That was our sister..." I said to Makoto. "She was a kind girl... she didn't like vampires as much as us and had helped us escape as our siblings died..." I said and they nodded. "Why does she say we're liars?" "Who knows. All we know is that she thinks that..." Gikuju sighed and we each nodded. "I'd be dead if she didn't intercept Horn." "Oh, one of the seventeenth progenitor's females?" "Yeah. She was going to kill me but (Y/n) distracted her away. It's Horn's fault..." Gikuju said, angered as Akane calmed him down. "Come on, we'll bring her to the right side." "Obviously." He said and Shinya and Yoichi got here. "What did you say their names were?" "Our sister us (Y/n) and her blood brother is something like (b/n)." "They're alive!" Shinya was happy and surprised as we looked at him confused. "Before our parents died, I was the oldest sibling of us. I can't believe those two are alive. Have you heard anything about a 'Lest'?" "No. So let me get this. You're their oldest brother? How many siblings did she have?" "Three brothers that teased her. No sisters though so she's grown to be a good fighter and not girly in the slightest." "Tell me about it..." Gikuju muttered and Shinya looked at him, confused. "She wanted to wrestle and fight all the time in the kitchen or just our rooms with us as she taught our sisters how to fight." Gikuju said and Shinya smiled. "Sounds like her. God were having a long talk later. And she stabbed my shoulder too."

We gathered at the fountain after and waited until Guren and his team got here.

"You were successful in killing all three without a single scratch? Besides Shinya." "We certainly killed one of them..." I said, scratching the back of my head as Guren growled. "I don't care if the other two were your family or not, they're vampires." "Would you really kill your family if they were a vampire?" "They'll drain my blood soon, so yes!" Guren yelled at me and slapped me. "Guren! There's no need to harm them, we got some information off the female vampire." Makoto said, defending me.

"What information?" "About the position of three nobles. And they're at City Hall. As well as how humans become vampires and the fact that she's Shinya's blood sister and blood brother." "We knew about the vampires. But how's that?" "Humans drink a vampire's blood." "That's it!" Mika yelled and we looked at him. "She didn't want to be a vampire and was forced to swallow Krul's blood! It was a matter of life or death at the time and when Krul put some of her blood in her mouth, (Y/n) had swallowed it because her body didn't want to die no matter what her mind said!" Mika said and we nodded. "I give up with them..." Makoto said, putting his head in his hands.

"Jeez, you sound like you've fallen in love with that female." Mika blushed to Hayanari as she just stared at him in confusion. "Don't tell me you actually fell in love with a vampire." "He fell in love with her before that when she was human." Yuu and Akane said at the same time as Mika nodded, blushing.

Reader POV

"That silver haired male looked too much like Shinya..." I muttered as (b/n) nodded. "What if it is him?" "Then I need to apologize. And can you three answer my question now?" "Lord Crowley took the cursed gear off that dead human and cut his finger. Lord Crowley was so generous as to let me drink his blood as the wound didn't heal." Horn said in a complete dream state while Crowley casually sat on the desk but it was obvious he knew what he did to the two nobles.

"Just conceive a child already..." (B/n) muttered and I nodded. The two ladies flushed red and Crowley snickered. "What, should we name the children after your family (Y/n)?" "I'd appreciate if you didn't." I said, disgust in my voice Crowley chuckled.

I turned, feeling watched and saw the grey haired male and that brown haired male in the window. "Crowley, we got visitors." I said and the others turned as the window broke, that crow looking demon coming right for Crowley. He grabbed its neck until it disappeared while two white tigers rushed towards me and (b/n). I hopped in the tiger's back as it thrashed around for a bit. (B/n) did the same thing as me until both demon's had begun to go back to the humans. I would've dropped down but the group of humans there would've made my death certain. We got to the roof and the demons disappeared as we were held.

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