7- Listening

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Mika's POV

I woke up to see unfamiliar land but also heard someone crying. (B/n) was asleep and so were the others but none of them were crying in their sleep. "Why? Why can't I hold myself back?" I heard a feminine voice and realized it as (Y/n)'s.

I followed the crying to the back from us and saw her. She was crying in her knees and I sat next to her. "(Y/n)?" She jumped and moved away from me. "No... I don't want to hurt you... please leave..." She muttered while holding her mouth and covering her nose. Just then, I noticed the blood marks on her shoulders and the large gash across her chest. "(Y/n), what happened?" "Leave me alone! I don't want to hurt you!" "You could've been crying silenter if you didn't want me concerning about you." I said and she pinned me to the ground. She was pinning me down by my neck but soon backed up in fear. "No... just leave me Mika." I held her arms as she was moving back and smiled.

"Go on. Bite me." I smiled as her eyes widened in surprise and she shook her head, getting out of my light grasp. "I don't want to hurt any of you..." "(Y/n)?" I turned and saw the other four awake as Akane was the only one of us who wasn't surprised by her injury. "What happened?" "Those other humans. They cut Noble (Y/n)'s stomach and shoulders as she was saving you from them." "What did I ask you about for the noble thing?" "Sorry, just used to calling the important vampires nobles." A young boy said and she nodded. "They are?" "The humans living in the old (L/n) and Hyakuya orphanage." (B/n) said and we nodded as I stared into (Y/n)'s gleaming red eyes as I firmly held her wrist.

"Come on, you need to heal. Just drink some of my blood." I said and she shook her head crying. "I said I don't want to hurt any of you! Don't you get that?!" "Of course we do, but we don't want to see you dead. Just drink from one of us." Hyo said as he brought his spear out and cut his arm. The others cut their arms a bit too as (Y/n) stared in shock and stopped me before I did the same, bitting me and knocking me to the ground. The other four did a small cut too as I felt blood taken from me. For some reason however, I felt... good... The idea of being bitten by a vampire seemed horrible to me but I loved the way she did it. I smiled and hugged her, ignoring the feeling, and smiled. "Thank you (Y/n)." She backed up from me and looked away as I grabbed her chin and made her look to me. She was noticeably shorter than me as I had tilted her head up a bit. "I'm sorry..." She muttered and I nodded as I felt her stomach. Her skin had healed and so had her shoulders while I noticed a bag in the corner. "What's that?" "Her bag of blood vials that she had for some reason refused to drink and also her noble clothes. Speaking of which, change. There's blood everywhere on that." "You speak like it's normal." "You'd be surprised." She said and got away from me. She went to her bag and knelt down, getting a dress that's the same as hers.

She returned to us after changing as was in clean clothes. "I need you to stay out of vampire sights, hearing and smell, okay? Don't scratch yourself until you bleed, don't make too much loud noise and make sure you don't let a vampire see any of you for a second, okay?" The kids nodded and smiled to her as she cracked a smile back. "Go on." They nodded and faced us quickly. "Please be nice to her! She's a kind Noble!" We nodded as they ran in the back of the store carefully.

Reader POV

"So how'd you even get ahold of us?" "Those humans you trust the best let us take you. They told us to meet at the airport but we're leaving them." "What? They let you take us! Let's go with them! And they prove that not all humans are bad!" "I don't care what they prove. And they were foolish to give you to us if they didn't want that." I said and continued to walk until I had a sword at both sides of my neck. "What are you two doing?" I asked as Mika and Yuu spoke now. "We're going to them. Come on, they helped you both, didn't they?" I sighed and put my sword at their blades and pushed them away. "Fine then..." I said and turned to them. "I'd do anything to protect you." "We would too." "Says the one who just put his sword to my neck." I said to Mika and (B/n) had walked next to me.

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