11- Bet

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We entered and (B/n) was staring at the cup. "Even the blood we got never looked this fresh..." He muttered and I looked at it and stared in shock. Lest pulled out a blood packet of his own and drank it as (B/n) and I drank ours. It tasted great and I was shocked as I swallowed.

"So, you really don't want to be a vampire Shinya?" He was silent and debating it before sighing. "(Y/n), can you make me a vampire?" "Me? Why not one of the other two?" "I feel the most comfortable with you doing it. Despite how all of us tackled you, you always took care of us so I feel like I would be the most comfortable with you doing it." I nodded and bit my tongue. Blood trickled from my mouth and Shinya was shocked and Lest told him to get ready to swallow my blood.

He did so as I transferred the blood and then drank some of the fresh blood. Shinya hadn't swallowed as I sighed. "Shinya. I know you have doubts about this, but you need to swallow it." He had done so hesitantly and soon gasped as I realized the need kicked in as quickly for him as it had for (B/n). "Damn, you two really got the need to drink blood, didn't you?" I asked while getting Shinya a cup but he grabbed my arm and bit it.

When he swallowed it, he was shocked at his own actions while I assured him it was fine and I'm not hurt. He got it after a while and sighed. "So... I'm a vampire now?" "Not a complete one. Drink this." I said and he was confused. "Your eyes, look at ours." He saw the red eyes and nodded. "My eyes are still-" "Yes." Lest said and Shinya nodded. He took the cup and drank it. He swallowed as I was drinking out of another cup and disappointed in myself. I looked at Lest and grabbed his arm, taking him out of the room.

"(Y/n)?" "How many extra rooms are there in mine and (B/n)'s home?" "About 5." He said and I nodded. "So you two take a room, then we can have Hyakuya's in one room, (L/n)'s in another, then the team and the extra male, assuming it's okay, in the final." I said and Lest was disappointed. "Why are we sharing a home with other humans?" "The five I want to share with are obvious, the others... only because it's their friends." I said and he was reluctant but nodded. "Fine. If it makes you happy and they don't get in the way much. Great... we'll have to have real food with us and cook for them." "Pink haired boy can cook for them." I said and Lest nodded. "Good. At least he seems useful for the humans. Vampires can't cook well." "I know." I said and he smiled. "Let's get back in there." I nodded and we walked in.

"Why were you both gone?" "We were talking about the house well all be staying in. Assuming it's fine with all four of us, we'll each have our own rooms as the humans will share a room based on their orphanage and the rest are sharing because it's their friends." Lest said, growling at the 10 and I sighed. "(B/n), are you alright sharing a home with them?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah. They don't have their cursed gear so they couldn't try to kill us while we're asleep..." He said and I nodded as I spun my scythe. "We'll need to practice together again, I've seemed to lost my skill a bit..." I muttered and he nodded. "Same. I don't have as good of aim with my gun." I nodded and glared behind me. I saw my three mentors as I sighed.

"And what do you three want?" "To see our apprentice again. So are you back to this side?" "(B/n) and I are only here because of Lest, Crowley. Brother, remember? I told you his name was Lest and this is him. Shinya got mom's white hair, (B/n) dad's red, Lest both and me, I got our great grandmother's hair from our mothers side." I said and he shrugged as I looked at Horn. "Ferid told me I punched a hole in your chest?" "Yes. Now I know how painful it is. Oh well." She said and I rolled my eyes. "Payback for the escape. I still recall clearly how you drained the (L/n)'s and the Hyakuya's kids of blood." I growled and she shrugged. "I needed to make sure none would escape or try to escape again. And killing them was the only way to stop them." I growled more and the three smirked at me.

"Mad little half-blood?" "Oh don't act like you weren't transformed into a vampire earlier. Even if you did, Lucal had told me you and Ferid were transformed to vampires because you were friends. And damn your both old." I said and he seemed offended. "Excuse you? I trained you. And I let you become the 17th progenitor for being a good little bloodbag as a human and a good apprentice as a vampire." He said and I shrugged. "I know. And I haven't forgotten all I've learned, just not trained since we weren't at a safe distance from humans and vampires." I said and they nodded. "We'll-" "No. I'll train with (B/n) and the humans." "You're teaching humans how to fight like us?" "Yeah sure, I'm making sure the humans we keep won't be lazy asses. And last I checked, you four all enjoy blood from humans who aren't lazy. And Ferid, back away from Mika if you could." I looked behind me and saw him disappointed.

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