8- After

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After reattaching (B/n)'s arms, Mika held me and cried in my shirt as he held my arms. "Please... never again..." He muttered as the other four did the same, seeing as Yuu woke up.

"We need to leave humans before-" "Give us that Seraph!" I heard a humans yell as I growled. I got the five off me but the lone brown haired human stabbed his pitchfork in the roof as a shield appeared. "Meet us at the train station, please vampires." He said as the humans yelled from the other side. Shinya and the male stayed as I sighed and went with the five, their four teammates and (B/n). We landed at the train station where (B/n) and I sat across from the humans, glaring at their teammates as they glared back besides a brown haired one who was sweating a bit and the five had no response.

"Do you think the children are doing alright?" I quickly asked (B/n), completely ignoring the humans as he shrugged. "We really should've taken them somewhere safe..." He muttered and I nodded. "I'll be back then." I said as I left with my weapons.

I arrived at the store where no vampire seemed to be around but I was ready with my sword. I walked in and saw the kids there as they smiled to me. "You're back (Y/n)!" Sara said and hugged my leg. "I came to check on you. Are you all alright?" "We've been fine. When we heard the door open and hid immediately. Was it good? We only came out when we saw it was you." Kia smiled as I nodded. "That's good. We were just wondering if you kids were okay." "We aren't completely children." Haku grumbled and I shrugged as I smiled. "I suggest you learn how to defend yourselves. While you don't have proper weapons to kill vampires, rendering them unconscious will help everyone. So I suggest using something like this." I said, handing Kia and Haku knives. "Work your way up to larger weapons when you can. I should leave now." I said and left them, quickly showing them simple attack movements. "Don't forget to protect each other. You became family the moment you entered the same orphanage." I said and jumped away.

I landed by the train tracks as I saw Shinya and the other guy were here now. "Great, another human to hate." "Why do you hate humans?" "All humans just want my family for power. And that battle was the perfect example. Yuu was fighting for good while that little girl was forced to be a seraph just for humans to be power hungry." I glared at the teammates. "I regret saving you..." The purple haired female said as Hyo hugged me. "I don't want to lose my sister again." "Same here." Gikuju said and hugged me too. "Anyways... You should meet the people you're going to hang out with from now on." "Excuse me?" I questioned and Shinya, Mika, Yuu, Akane, Hyo and Gikuju nodded. "We aren't leaving behind our teammates, family now." "So now you've decided to family hop?" "You did too." "Except that I'm blood related to the two. You aren't blood related to those disgusting blood bags." "Can I kill her now?" "I'd like to see a temperamental human like you try." I growled to the pink haired human as I got my weapons ready.

"You know what, I won't even have my weapons drain my blood as long as you don't decide to use a demon power up or whatever that coffin thing was at City Hall." I said and he smirked, nodding.

"W-Wait! We're going to work together, we shouldn't fight!" The childish looking male said in a panic voice as I smirked, pointing my sword at the pink haired male. "Look, this boy can beat me, I won't be insulting and be annoyed by you humans but if not, I'll just be the same." "No fighting you two. We need to leave this place since we will be hunted." Shinya said and I returned my weapons. "I suppose Crowley should be suspicious that I'm with humans now. I suggest we throw him out as bait first. Horn seemed to like your blood at our first battle." I said and pointed to the male as he growled. "Alright, (B/n) in the front, (Y/n) in the back." Shinya said and I grumbled as we did so. Mika and Yuu stayed next to me even when I tried to refuse. "You five are the biggest targets for vampires, especially now that I'm not with them. Now that I think about it, Shinya is too... dammit." I growled and we walked far away from both human and vampire organizations.

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