5- Discussion

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I went to the livestock grounds and immediately came across my old home which was now being inhabited with a new orphanage family. I knocked on the door and a young girl answered. She stared in fear before I smiled to her. "Don't worry. I'm not here to do anything to you or your family. May I come in?" She nodded slowly and called to her family. "Yeah Sara-" Another female was cut off when she saw me and I smiled. "I'm sorry for intruding. I was given permission to talk with humans and wanted to see who's living in my old home." "But... only livestock, as you vampires call it, live here.... in this area of town." "Yes, I'm completely aware." I smiled as I looked around and remembered. "I have two homes to visit. But would you 10 like me to tell you what I meant?" They nodded and I smiled and spoke. "Alright, but what are your names?" "Sara!" "Jane..." "Haku." "Denice." "Denzi." "Gavin." "Giana!" "Alice." "Alyss." "Kia..." They said and I nodded as I pulled up a chair for myself. "I'll make this a quick story. Well, I used to be a human." "You weren't born a vampire? I thought all vampires were." "No. Most of the vampires you know used to be humans." "How'd you become a vampire? Tell us the whole story please!" Sara said and I smiled as I remembered Jane's cheerful attitude. "You each remind me of my siblings..." I muttered and nodded to Sara. "Well, I created a plan for my family to escape to the outside... it failed when Noble Horn had arrived at a gate. We were also with the Hyakuya family but most of their family died, as well as mine. You see, Horn had killed off most of us, one by one. She either drained our blood or simply stabbed us. I suggest you stay here with vampires. No matter how much you want to escape, it isn't a good idea because they move quicker than you and won't hesitate to kill if humans are trying to escape." "Who was your family? There are pictures on the wall by our beds that are of the previous children here." Haku asked and I smiled. "I had four sisters and three brothers. Their names were Jade, Hina, Ginka, Jane, Hyo, Gikuju, and Jaru." "And you are?" Denzi asked and I told him, "(Y/n)." "Damn, we really do have the whole (L/n) family by our beds." "Who died in your family?" "Sara!" Jane yelled at her and I smiled sadly. "Don't worry. I was expecting this. Jade, Hina, Ginka, Jane and Jaru had died... they were so young too..." I muttered and they looked at me. "You didn't need to tell us!" Denice said and I shook my head getting up.

"I believe it's time I leave." "Wait, before you do. Are you a noble?" "Yes. Why?" I asked Kia and she spoke. "Well, all humans were notified of two new vampires getting coronated. Who's the second?" "My blood brother who was in another orphanage." They nodded and I left, going to the old Hyakuya family orphanage. When I got there, I knocked on the door and a younger boy opened it but he looked around 5. "A-A Noble!" He yelled and his family came. There was one girl there and I smiled, putting my hand on the boy's head. "Don't worry. I'm just here to talk, not hurt you or your family." "B-But you're one of the new nobles!" "And?" "N-New nobles are allowed to take blood!" "Vampires aren't even allowed to drink straight from humans, but I'm not here to harm you or your family, I swear." They nodded as the female, who was the oldest, spoke.

"Please excuse my brother. So what would you like to talk about?" "Oh, I'm just here to see the family living in a friend of mine's old home." "Who?" "The Hyakuya family." "Oh yeah, we have pictures of them by our beds." "So like my old family home..." I said and she nodded. "My apologies, I never introduced myself. I'm am (Y/n)." "Noble (Y/n)." A male said and I nodded. "Yes, but I am a new noble and not used to the name yet." I said and looked away. "Your names are?" "Niami." "Ukea." "Gemu." "Feso." "Hosuh." "E-Endo..." They introduced themselves and I nodded before Niami spoke, "Wait, you said you used to live among humans? Like in these homes but we know vampires live in homes at the other side of the city." "I used to be human." I knelt by her ear and whispered to her, "I'll tell you this, unless you want your family to die, I suggest you stay here. It's the only reason I'm a vampire. Don't let a single one of them give blood to a vampire, no matter how high and don't try to steal anything." She was frozen and shocked as I got up. Gemu was the most confused and I looked to Niami. "I promise that happens. I'm not trying to stop anything." "B-But... how do you know?" "As I said, it's the only reason I'm like this. But my family and the Hyakuya family had experienced the same thing..." Again, I knelt by her and whispered. "Five of them had escaped though. However, it was at the cost of my humanity, the others, they suffered and horrible fate and I don't want any of you sad because of it." She nodded as I pat her head.

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