13- Argument

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Yoichi's POV

"Well now they think that we're gay!" "You are." Mitsuba told Kimizuki and I even nodded. He blushed and looked away. "Not." "Are." "Am not." "Is so." That continued for a while until I kissed his cheek. He shut up and I smiled. "You are. Admit it." I blushed but stared at him. "God! Fine!" He yelled and Lest yelled that we better shut up.

There was another crash downstairs and we heard Shinya groan. "This is painful..." "Why don't we train him outside? Why did you even want to start him inside?" "Because it's what we learned and that was simple."

Reader POV

We left Lest at home and he said that he wouldn't lecture Mika. I nodded and he reminded us that our clothes would be coming today. We nodded and Shinya got in the hang of it. "Thank god." He said and we nodded. We raced home and I won. I cheered and laughed while the two grumbled when they showed up. "We get it." "Does Shinya have it now?" "He should." "Run around the island." Shinya did so successfully and Lest nodded. "Good." The doorbell rang and Lest went to answer it with me following. He beat me to the door and opened it. I saw about 12 boxes and was shocked. "Is this all clothes?" "No, it's also human food." I nodded and we got them in before finding out what was what and organizing them.

I carried my two boxes of clothes up to my room and looked at it. It didn't look bad at all and I nodded. Lest had us all try on our clothes then just meet outside to the training area. I tried it on and it was nice as I liked the vine addition rather than the cape since it slows me down. The only thing I didn't like is how it was tight around the breasts. I jumped down and was the first one done. And girls are mainly known to take a while...

(By CNecko-Chan on deviantart)The three boys soon jumped down and we nodded

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(By CNecko-Chan on deviantart)
The three boys soon jumped down and we nodded. "So most of us went with the cape look?" Shinya asked and they nodded. Lest nodded and smiled. "Well, we all look perfectly fine." I nodded and we stood back and I looked at Lest. "Any complaints about yours?" "I'm just not used to the clothes." "Bit tight around my waist. You?" (B/n) asked and I told them about the breast thing and they nodded. "Why didn't you go with the cape?" "Slows me down." "I see." "Besides, the clothes it went with was different then this." They nodded and I heard Yuu.

"I'm hungry!" Yuu complained and we looked back. Mika saw us and smiled then saw me. He blushed and turned. He just walked away and I saw he was absolutely red. Lest growled and I grabbed his shirt. "No." I grabbed the other two as well with my other hand. They whined and I sighed.

I just dragged them away and they were all confused while waiting for Kimizuki to cook. I just set them down in the room and spoke. "At least he wasn't staring. He looked away." I said and they shrugged. "Still. He got turned on by it." "Then blame the guy who made the clothes. You requested new clothes to be made so that he wouldn't get turned on but the clothes still do it." They thought and Lest got up. "I'll be back." I nodded and he left. I listened and heard Mika confused. "He... didn't yell at me?" "Strange..." "Should one of us go check on the other three?" "Yeah." Makoto told Akane but we just got downstairs.

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