12- Kiss

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So sorry how long this took to write! I've been getting writers block for all my stories and I don't just want to be lazy.

I tapped Mika's shoulder and he turned to me as he was confused. "Hey (Y/n). Something wrong?" "I need you real quick." "Okay?" He followed and we went to my room. "What's wrong? Do you need blood?" "No, I just drank a minute ago... I actually lost a bet and..." "Oh, so it has to do with me somehow?" "Yeah... I hope this is okay..." I pulled him down from his shirt and kissed his forehead. He was silent and blushing while I was red.

"And I kinda like you..." I muttered but he grabbed my waist and put a hand over my lips and kissed it where my lips would be. I blushed a bit more somehow and he smiled when he backed up as I saw the nervousness. "I like you too. I really do like you (Y/n)..." He smiled and was blushing while I was red enough. "Was it okay for me to do that?" He asked and I just blushed and nodded. I started calming down and he smiled. "That's good." I stopped him and grabbed his arm. He was confused and looked back as I was blushing. I knew about the others outside and whispered to him. "Can we have a real kiss? You can choose..." I blushed and was embarrassed while he smiled he combed my hair a bit and I smiled down as he used his other hand to tilt my head up while I finally saw how he was a bit red too. We both calmed down and he smiled.

"Of course." He smiled and neared me. He and I kissed while it felt so peaceful. He held my face up to his and I blushed as he did so but didn't complain. I kissed back finally as he moved his hands to be holding my waist. He blushed and he seemed nervous but kept his hold there while I held his shoulders. I backed up soon and put my head in his chest. He pet my hair and smiled down at me while I was embarrassed. "Was that okay to do?" He asked and I nodded. "We should get out of here." I nodded and quickly left as I avoided the other humans here. I went away and went to (B/n). "There." I said and he elbowed me. "So you two are together now?" He asked and I nodded. "Shut up." I said and turned around. He chuckled as I felt Lest's and Shinya's glare. "Don't." I said and they just growled. We went to Lest's room and they lectured me about dating and how I'll probably get my heart broken one way or another and that he's just a human (that was from Lest).

"Calm down." I said and they just stared at me. "I'm aware of the risks of dating. And I will not be crying for three damn months because he decided he wanted to break up." I said and they glared. "And him being a human?" "We were humans too Lest." "I'm not referring to that. The children? Being a human is dominate to being a vampire." "Okay one, just started. Two, it'll be fine. Three, he most likely knows and will probably either offer to become a vampire or won't care." I said and he glared. "I'll just have a quick chat with him." He said and bolted off. "No!" I said and chased after him but when I caught up, he already had Mika to the wall and was yelling at him.

He was just threatening him and Mika had calmed down and nodded at everything now. They didn't notice I caught up until I cleared my throat and both boys jumped. They looked at me and I just gave them a sassy look while Lest dropped Mika. "We were just finishing." "You just said you weren't close to being done with him." I said and he chuckled a bit. "Heh... you heard that?" I nodded and went to Mika. "Chill out though. No need to get so defensive immediately." I said and he scoffed. "Yeah right. We need to protect our baby sister." "I am a couple years younger than you for heavens sake!" I said and he chuckled now as the other two were here and Shinya was dizzy. "I need to get used to that." He said and I noticed that (B/n) was holding his arm. "Balance." He said and Mika seemed nervous. "Should I leave?" "Yeah." Lest said and he nodded and left. "He's right though. Protect the baby." "I'm not a baby!" I yelled and he chuckled. He pat my head and I grumbled.

The other two joined and I just sat here planning their deaths. "I hate you three." "Love you too." I grumbled and soon got up, hitting their hands away. "I'm leaving." I said and walked out. "Where?" "Outside." "I'm coming with you. Don't trust the humans." (B/n) said and I shrugged. "Me too. Can you watch them Shinya?" "Yeah. I got it." "Don't let them escape." He said and I noticed that he took their cursed gears. Shinya nodded and we left as I casually walked around.

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