14- Final

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Since I'm not inspired, I'm just going to probably end this timeline here. Another story which the name and AU I'm still deciding will be if you went with Lest.

We had gotten used to the four mentors and they stopped trying to annoy us as much.

"(Y/n)." Mika said and I looked back at him. "Yeah Mika?" "Thank you." "For what..?" I asked and I was suspicious. "For saving me each time Ferid was here." I slightly nodded and spoke. "Just be glad that he prefers child's blood." "Yeah. I guess." I kept reading the files and filling them out. Mika left after that and when I was done, I was getting my blood. Shinya smiled as he spoke with Makoto.

"Hey (Y/n). The guy is here." "Really?" I asked Lest and he nodded. "The guy?" Shinya asked and we nodded. "He's close with Ferid, isn't he?" "He's the one that gave away our positions when Shinya was human." (B/n) said and I nodded.

"I have been curious to meet his demon. Let's go. We'll be back Shinya." "Excuse you? I'm coming too." "We'll bring him here. Calm down." Lest said and we left.

I smiled a bit and we arrived to the human. He was possessed by his weapon and Ferid smirked. "Hello Guren." "Its Mahiru, Ferid." He chuckled a bit and I spoke. "The human's Leader?" I asked and they nodded.

"I'm his demon. Needless to say, I got control after he couldn't deal with his soul and mine in him." "Interesting..." I muttered and she smiled. "I will admit, I don't like the male body or voice. But do you know someone named Shinoa?" "Yeah. One of the humans at our home." "Bring me there." I nodded and smiled. "Some humans and our other brother there knows you too Miss Mahiru. Well, Guren really." She nodded and we arrived. "I'll get them all in the kitchen." I said and she nodded.

I went away and told them to gather in the kitchen. They were confused but listened. "Why are we doing this?" Kimizuki asked and I smiled. "You can come here!" I said and they arrived. They were shocked and spoke. "Guren?" "Hello Shinoa." "Why her specifically?" "You didn't tell them?" "Thought you might've Miss Mahiru." She laughed a bit and shook Guren's head. "No. I wanted them to be shocked that he let his demon control him." "M-Mahiru..." Shinoa said and snapped out of it.

"What did you do to Guren? He wouldn't lose to you." Shinya asked and I smiled as I slightly laughed. Ferid did too as he arrived. "I was the one who gave the locations of all the vampire, all to Guren. At the end, he was just too weak to Mahiru." We smiled a bit and they were shocked.

Mahiru left after with Ferid and Lest smirked. "Now, shall we?" "Yes." I told Lest. (B/n) joined and Shinya sighed. "Should we though?" "Yes! We need it!" "Need what?" Kimizuki asked and I smiled.

"World domination. Vampires deserve the world. And we'll still have livestock around." "I'd hope so." I said and smiled. "Excuse me? I'm not-" "Be good enough and you can become vampires too." Lest growled and I grabbed his shirt collar. "No. Calm down." "They're stupid fucking humans!" "You seem to forget that two of them are my orphanage family, three were great friends, one of the three I am dating, and all five I risked my life for." "And they deserve death like you would've gotten."

"No they don't. And you lived with the two also. Don't fucking forget that shit." I said and he glared at me. "And you had fun with them while we were in the normal world." I had my arm around him and smiling. He just glared and I smiled. "Get your arm off me." "We're making them vampires." I simply said then got off when he grumbled but nodded.

I smiled and pat his shoulder. "Calm down Lest." He just growled. "Silence (Y/n)." I laughed and smiled. "Please calm down (Y/n). None of us want to be vampires." "So you want to be livestock?" He grunted a bit and shook his head.

"Let then decide while we do our work." Lest said and I shrugged and nodded. We prepared and smiled. "Kill any humans not worthy to be livestock! For the livestock ones, we'll bring in jets to get them back here! The world will be ours!" Vampires cheered and we prepared. Shinya was nervous and I smiled. We sat back and held our weapons. "This will be a fun day." The two nodded and Shinya stayed silent.

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